Commit 180d435e authored by zYne's avatar zYne

Relation model rewrite, first draft

parent 84cf99fb
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class Doctrine_Collection extends Doctrine_Access implements Countable, Iterator
* @return void
public function setReference(Doctrine_Record $record,Doctrine_Relation $relation)
public function setReference(Doctrine_Record $record, Doctrine_Relation $relation)
$this->reference = $record;
$this->relation = $relation;
......@@ -607,30 +607,27 @@ class Doctrine_Collection extends Doctrine_Access implements Countable, Iterator
$list[] = $value;
$query->from($this->table->getComponentName()."(".implode(", ",$this->table->getPrimaryKeys()).")");
$query->where($this->table->getComponentName().".id IN (".substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($list)),0,-2).")");
$query->from($this->table->getComponentName() . '(' . implode(", ",$this->table->getPrimaryKeys()) . ')');
$query->where($this->table->getComponentName() . '.id IN (' . substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($list)),0,-2) . ')');
return $query;
$rel = $this->table->getRelation($name);
$table = $rel->getTable();
$foreign = $rel->getForeign();
$local = $rel->getLocal();
if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey || $rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey) {
foreach ($this->data as $record) {
$list[] = $record[$local];
$list[] = $record[$rel->getLocal()];
} else {
foreach ($this->data as $record) {
$value = $record->getIncremented();
if ($value !== null) {
$list[] = $value;
$dql = $rel->getRelationDql(count($list), 'collection');
$coll = $query->query($dql, $list);
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
* and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see
* <>.
* Doctrine_Connection
......@@ -481,8 +482,7 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Connection extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Coun
. 'VALUES (' . substr(str_repeat('?, ', count($values)), 0, -2) . ')';
// prepare and execute the statement
$stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($query);
$this->execute($query, array_values($values));
return true;
......@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Connection extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Coun
} catch(Doctrine_Adapter_Exception $e) {
} catch(PDOException $e) { }
print Doctrine_Lib::formatSql($query);
......@@ -89,6 +89,20 @@ class Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql extends Doctrine_Connection_Common
$query = 'SET NAMES '.$this->dbh->quote($charset);
* convertBoolean
* some drivers need the boolean values to be converted into integers
* when using DQL API
* This method takes care of that conversion
* @param array $item
* @return void
public function convertBooleans(array $items)
return $items;
* Changes a query string for various DBMS specific reasons
......@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module
* The onDelete and onUpdate keys accept the following values:
* CASCADE: Delete or update the row from the parent table and automatically delete or
* update the matching rows in the child table. Both ON DELETE CASCADE and ON UPDATE CASCADE are supported.
* update the matching rows in the child table. Both ON DELETE CASCADE and ON UPDATE CASCADE are supported.
* Between two tables, you should not define several ON UPDATE CASCADE clauses that act on the same column
* in the parent table or in the child table.
......@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module
* specified. Both ON DELETE SET NULL and ON UPDATE SET NULL clauses are supported.
* NO ACTION: In standard SQL, NO ACTION means no action in the sense that an attempt to delete or update a primary
* key value is not allowed to proceed if there is a related foreign key value in the referenced table.
* key value is not allowed to proceed if there is a related foreign key value in the referenced table.
* RESTRICT: Rejects the delete or update operation for the parent table. NO ACTION and RESTRICT are the same as
* omitting the ON DELETE or ON UPDATE clause.
......@@ -634,9 +634,9 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module
* @return string DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to set the FOREIGN KEY constraint
* of a field declaration.
public function getForeignKeyDeclaration($definition)
public function getForeignKeyDeclaration(array $definition)
$sql = $this->getForeignKeyBaseDeclaration();
$sql = $this->getForeignKeyBaseDeclaration($definition);
if (isset($definition['deferred'])) {
$sql .= ' ' . $this->getForeignKeyDeferredDeclaration();
......@@ -673,15 +673,19 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module
* getForeignKeyBaseDeclaration
* Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to set the FOREIGN KEY constraint
* of a field declaration to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.
* @param array $definition
* @return string
public function getForeignKeyBaseDeclaration()
public function getForeignKeyBaseDeclaration(array $definition)
$sql = '';
if (isset($definition['name'])) {
$sql .= 'CONSTRAINT ' . $definition['name'];
$sql .= 'CONSTRAINT ' . $definition['name'] . ' ';
$sql .= 'FOREIGN KEY ';
if ( ! isset($definition['local'])) {
throw new Doctrine_Export_Exception('Local reference field missing from definition.');
......@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export
* 'comment' => 'Foo',
* 'charset' => 'utf8',
* 'collate' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
* 'collate' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
* 'type' => 'innodb',
* );
......@@ -106,6 +105,13 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export
$queryFields .= ', ' . $this->getIndexDeclaration($index, $definition);
if (isset($options['foreignKeys']) && ! empty($options['foreignKeys'])) {
foreach($options['foreignKeys'] as $definition) {
$queryFields .= ', ' . $this->getForeignKeyDeclaration($definition);
if (isset($options['primary']) && ! empty($options['primary'])) {
$queryFields .= ', PRIMARY KEY(' . implode(', ', array_values($options['primary'])) . ')';
......@@ -333,13 +339,17 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export
$sequenceName = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->conn->getSequenceName($sequenceName), true);
$seqcolName = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_SEQCOL_NAME), true);
$query = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $sequenceName
. ' (' . $seqcolName . ' INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY ('
. $seqcolName . '))'
. strlen($this->conn->default_table_type) ? ' TYPE = '
. $this->conn->default_table_type : '';
$res = $this->conn->exec($query);
try {
$query = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $sequenceName
. ' (' . $seqcolName . ' INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY ('
. $seqcolName . '))'
. strlen($this->conn->default_table_type) ? ' TYPE = '
. $this->conn->default_table_type : '';
$res = $this->conn->exec($query);
} catch(Doctrine_Connection_Exception $e) {
throw new Doctrine_Export_Exception('could not create sequence table');
if ($start == 1)
return true;
......@@ -352,11 +362,11 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export
// Handle error
try {
$result = $this->conn->exec('DROP TABLE ' . $sequenceName);
} catch(Exception $e) {
} catch(Doctrine_Connection_Exception $e) {
throw new Doctrine_Export_Exception('could not drop inconsistent sequence table');
throw new Doctrine_Export_Exception('could not create sequence table');
* Get the stucture of a field into an array
......@@ -462,9 +472,12 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export
if ( ! isset($definition['fields']) || ! is_array($definition['fields'])) {
if ( ! isset($definition['fields'])) {
throw new Doctrine_Export_Exception('No index columns given.');
if ( ! is_array($definition['fields'])) {
$definition['fields'] = array($definition['fields']);
$query = $type . 'INDEX ' . $name;
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class Doctrine_Lib
case Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN:
return "transient clean";
* returns a string representation of Doctrine_Record object
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class Doctrine_Lib
case Doctrine_Transaction::STATE_ACTIVE:
return "active";
* returns a string representation of Doctrine_Connection object
......@@ -98,28 +98,12 @@ class Doctrine_Lib
public static function getConnectionAsString(Doctrine_Connection $connection)
$r[] = "<pre>";
$r[] = "Doctrine_Connection object";
$r[] = "State : ".Doctrine_Lib::getConnectionStateAsString($connection->getTransaction()->getState());
$r[] = "Open Transactions : ".$connection->getTransaction()->getTransactionLevel();
$r[] = "Table in memory : ".$connection->count();
$queries = false;
if ($connection->getDBH() instanceof Doctrine_Db) {
$handler = "Doctrine Database Handler";
$queries = count($connection->getDBH()->getQueries());
$sum = array_sum($connection->getDBH()->getExecTimes());
} elseif ($connection->getDBH() instanceof PDO) {
$handler = "PHP Native PDO Driver";
} else {
$handler = "Unknown Database Handler";
$r[] = "DB Handler : ".$handler;
if ($queries) {
$r[] = "Executed Queries : ".$queries;
$r[] = "Sum of Exec Times : ".$sum;
$r[] = '<pre>';
$r[] = 'Doctrine_Connection object';
$r[] = 'State : ' . Doctrine_Lib::getConnectionStateAsString($connection->transaction->getState());
$r[] = 'Open Transactions : ' . $connection->transaction->getTransactionLevel();
$r[] = 'Table in memory : ' . $connection->count();
$r[] = 'Driver name : ' . $connection->getDbh()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
$r[] = "</pre>";
return implode("\n",$r)."<br>";
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class Doctrine_Manager extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Countable, Itera
$this->connections[$name] = new Doctrine_Connection_Mock($this, $adapter);
throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('Unknown connection driver '. $adapter->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME));
throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('Unknown connection driver '. $adapter->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME));
if ($setCurrent) {
......@@ -775,7 +775,8 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Record extends Doctrine_Access implements Countable, Ite
if ( ! isset($this->references[$name])) {
} catch(Doctrine_Table_Exception $e) {
} catch(Doctrine_Table_Exception $e) {
print $e;
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception("Unknown property / related component '$name'.");
......@@ -1525,6 +1526,17 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Record extends Doctrine_Access implements Countable, Ite
$this->_table->setOption($name, $value);
* index
* defines a foreignKey
* @param array $definition the definition array
* @return void
public function foreignKey(array $definition = array())
return $this->_table->addForeignKey($definition);
* index
* defines or retrieves an index
......@@ -1533,7 +1545,6 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Record extends Doctrine_Access implements Countable, Ite
* @param string $name the name of the index
* @param array $definition the definition array
* @param array $options an array of options
* @return mixed
public function index($name, array $definition = array())
......@@ -53,41 +53,66 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
const ONE = 0;
const MANY = 1;
protected $definition = array('alias' => true,
'foreign' => true,
'local' => true,
'table' => true,
* @var Doctrine_Table $table foreign factory
protected $table;
* @var string $local local field
protected $local;
* @var string $foreign foreign field
protected $foreign;
* @var integer $type bind type
protected $type;
* @var string $alias relation alias
protected $alias;
* @param Doctrine_Table $table
* @param string $local
* @param string $foreign
* @param integer $type
* @param string $alias
* constructor
* @param array $definition an associative array with the following structure:
* name related class name
* local the local field(s)
* foreign the foreign reference field(s)
* table the foreign table object
* assocTable the association table object (if any)
* onDelete referential delete action
* onUpdate referential update action
* deferred deferred constraint checking
* alias relation alias
* type the relation type, either Doctrine_Relation::ONE or Doctrine_Relation::MANY
* The onDelete and onUpdate keys accept the following values:
* CASCADE: Delete or update the row from the parent table and automatically delete or
* update the matching rows in the child table. Both ON DELETE CASCADE and ON UPDATE CASCADE are supported.
* Between two tables, you should not define several ON UPDATE CASCADE clauses that act on the same column
* in the parent table or in the child table.
* SET NULL: Delete or update the row from the parent table and set the foreign key column or columns in the
* child table to NULL. This is valid only if the foreign key columns do not have the NOT NULL qualifier
* specified. Both ON DELETE SET NULL and ON UPDATE SET NULL clauses are supported.
* NO ACTION: In standard SQL, NO ACTION means no action in the sense that an attempt to delete or update a primary
* key value is not allowed to proceed if there is a related foreign key value in the referenced table.
* RESTRICT: Rejects the delete or update operation for the parent table. NO ACTION and RESTRICT are the same as
* omitting the ON DELETE or ON UPDATE clause.
public function __construct(Doctrine_Table $table, $local, $foreign, $type, $alias)
public function __construct(array $definition)
$this->table = $table;
$this->local = $local;
$this->foreign = $foreign;
$this->type = $type;
$this->alias = $alias;
foreach (array_keys($this->definition) as $key) {
if ( ! isset($definition[$key])) {
throw new Doctrine_Exception($key . ' is required!');
$this->definition = $definition;
* getAlias
......@@ -97,7 +122,7 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
final public function getAlias()
return $this->alias;
return $this->definition['alias'];
* getType
......@@ -108,7 +133,7 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
final public function getType()
return $this->type;
return $this->definition['type'];
* getTable
......@@ -118,7 +143,7 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
final public function getTable()
return $this->table;
return $this->definition['table'];
* getLocal
......@@ -128,7 +153,7 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
final public function getLocal()
return $this->local;
return $this->definition['local'];
* getForeign
......@@ -139,7 +164,7 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
final public function getForeign()
return $this->foreign;
return $this->definition['foreign'];
* isComposite
......@@ -149,8 +174,8 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
final public function isComposite()
return ($this->type == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_COMPOSITE ||
$this->type == Doctrine_Relation::MANY_COMPOSITE);
return ($this->definition['type'] == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_COMPOSITE ||
$this->definition['type'] == Doctrine_Relation::MANY_COMPOSITE);
* isOneToOne
......@@ -160,8 +185,8 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
final public function isOneToOne()
return ($this->type == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_AGGREGATE ||
$this->type == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_COMPOSITE);
return ($this->definition['type'] == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_AGGREGATE ||
$this->definition['type'] == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_COMPOSITE);
* getRelationDql
......@@ -171,8 +196,10 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
public function getRelationDql($count)
$dql = 'FROM ' . $this->table->getComponentName()
. ' WHERE ' . $this->table->getComponentName() . '.' . $this->foreign
$component = $this->definition['table']->getComponentName();
$dql = 'FROM ' . $component
. ' WHERE ' . $component . '.' . $this->definition['foreign']
. ' IN (' . substr(str_repeat('?, ', $count), 0, -2) . ')';
return $dql;
......@@ -278,12 +305,12 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Relation
public function __toString()
$r[] = "<pre>";
$r[] = "Class : ".get_class($this);
$r[] = "Component : ".$this->table->getComponentName();
$r[] = "Table : ".$this->table->getTableName();
$r[] = "Local key : ".$this->local;
$r[] = "Foreign key : ".$this->foreign;
$r[] = "Type : ".$this->type;
foreach ($this->definition as $k => $v) {
if(is_object($v)) {
$v = 'Object(' . get_class($v) . ')';
$r[] = $k . ' : ' . $v;
$r[] = "</pre>";
return implode("\n", $r);
......@@ -35,30 +35,12 @@ Doctrine::autoload('Doctrine_Relation');
class Doctrine_Relation_Association extends Doctrine_Relation
* @var Doctrine_Table $associationTable
protected $associationTable;
* the constructor
* @param Doctrine_Table $table foreign factory object
* @param Doctrine_Table $associationTable factory which handles the association
* @param string $local local field name
* @param string $foreign foreign field name
* @param integer $type type of relation
* @see Doctrine_Table constants
public function __construct(Doctrine_Table $table, Doctrine_Table $associationTable, $local, $foreign, $type, $alias)
parent::__construct($table, $local, $foreign, $type, $alias);
$this->associationTable = $associationTable;
* @return Doctrine_Table
public function getAssociationFactory()
return $this->associationTable;
return $this->definition['assocTable'];
* processDiff
......@@ -106,23 +88,26 @@ class Doctrine_Relation_Association extends Doctrine_Relation
public function getRelationDql($count, $context = 'record')
$component = $this->definition['assocTable']->getComponentName();
switch ($context) {
case "record":
$sub = 'SQL:SELECT ' . $this->foreign.
' FROM ' . $this->associationTable->getTableName().
' WHERE ' . $this->local.
$sub = 'SQL:SELECT ' . $this->definition['foreign'].
' FROM ' . $this->definition['assocTable']->getTableName().
' WHERE ' . $this->definition['local'] .
' IN (' . substr(str_repeat("?, ", $count),0,-2) .
$dql = "FROM ".$this->table->getComponentName();
$dql .= ".".$this->associationTable->getComponentName();
$dql .= " WHERE ".$this->table->getComponentName().".".$this->table->getIdentifier()." IN ($sub)";
$dql = 'FROM ' . $this->definition['table']->getComponentName();
$dql .= '.' . $component;
$dql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->definition['table']->getComponentName()
. '.' . $this->definition['table']->getIdentifier() . ' IN (' . $sub . ')';
case "collection":
$sub = substr(str_repeat("?, ", $count),0,-2);
$dql = "FROM ".$this->associationTable->getComponentName().".".$this->table->getComponentName();
$dql .= " WHERE ".$this->associationTable->getComponentName().".".$this->local." IN ($sub)";
$dql = 'FROM ' . $component . '.' . $this->definition['table']->getComponentName();
$dql .= ' WHERE ' . $component . '.' . $this->definition['local'] . ' IN (' . $sub . ')';
return $dql;
......@@ -138,7 +123,7 @@ class Doctrine_Relation_Association extends Doctrine_Relation
$id = $record->getIncremented();
if (empty($id)) {
$coll = new Doctrine_Collection($this->table);
$coll = new Doctrine_Collection($this->definition['table']);
} else {
$coll = Doctrine_Query::create()->parseQuery($this->getRelationDql(1))->execute(array($id));
......@@ -42,24 +42,31 @@ class Doctrine_Relation_Association_Self extends Doctrine_Relation_Association
switch ($context) {
case 'record':
$sub = 'SELECT '.$this->foreign.
' FROM '.$this->associationTable->getTableName().
' WHERE '.$this->local.
' = ?';
$sub2 = 'SELECT '.$this->local.
' FROM '.$this->associationTable->getTableName().
' WHERE '.$this->foreign.
' = ?';
$sub = 'SELECT '.$this->definition['foreign']
. ' FROM '.$this->definition['assocTable']->getTableName()
. ' WHERE '.$this->definition['local']
. ' = ?';
$dql = 'FROM ' . $this->table->getComponentName();
$dql .= '.' . $this->associationTable->getComponentName();
$dql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->table->getComponentName() . '.' . $this->table->getIdentifier() . ' IN (' . $sub . ')';
$dql .= ' || ' . $this->table->getComponentName() . '.' . $this->table->getIdentifier() . ' IN (' . $sub2 . ')';
$sub2 = 'SELECT '.$this->definition['local']
. ' FROM '.$this->definition['assocTable']->getTableName()
. ' WHERE '.$this->definition['foreign']
. ' = ?';
$dql = 'FROM ' . $this->definition['table']->getComponentName()
. '.' . $this->definition['assocTable']->getComponentName()
. ' WHERE ' . $this->definition['table']->getComponentName()
. '.' . $this->definition['table']->getIdentifier()
. ' IN (' . $sub . ')'
. ' || ' . $this->definition['table']->getComponentName()
. '.' . $this->definition['table']->getIdentifier()
. ' IN (' . $sub2 . ')';
case 'collection':
$sub = substr(str_repeat('?, ', $count),0,-2);
$dql = 'FROM '.$this->associationTable->getComponentName().'.'.$this->table->getComponentName();
$dql .= ' WHERE '.$this->associationTable->getComponentName().'.'.$this->local.' IN ('.$sub.')';
$dql = 'FROM '.$this->definition['assocTable']->getComponentName()
. '.' . $this->definition['table']->getComponentName()
. ' WHERE '.$this->definition['assocTable']->getComponentName()
. '.' . $this->definition['local'] . ' IN (' . $sub . ')';
return $dql;
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey extends Doctrine_Relation
* processDiff
* @param Doctrine_Record $record
* @return void
public function processDiff(Doctrine_Record $record)
......@@ -75,29 +76,29 @@ class Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey extends Doctrine_Relation
public function fetchRelatedFor(Doctrine_Record $record)
$id = $record->get($this->local);
$id = $record->get($this->definition['local']);
if ($this->isOneToOne()) {
if (empty($id)) {
$related = $this->table->create();
$related = $this->definition['table']->create();
} else {
$dql = 'FROM ' . $this->table->getComponentName()
. ' WHERE ' . $this->table->getComponentName()
. '.' . $this->foreign . ' = ?';
$dql = 'FROM ' . $this->definition['table']->getComponentName()
. ' WHERE ' . $this->definition['table']->getComponentName()
. '.' . $this->definition['foreign'] . ' = ?';
$coll = $this->table->getConnection()->query($dql, array($id));
$coll = $this->definition['table']->getConnection()->query($dql, array($id));
$related = $coll[0];
$related->set($this->foreign, $record, false);
$related->set($this->definition['foreign'], $record, false);
} else {
if (empty($id)) {
$related = new Doctrine_Collection($this->table);
$related = new Doctrine_Collection($this->definition['table']);
} else {
$query = $this->getRelationDql(1);
$related = $this->table->getConnection()->query($query, array($id));
$related = $this->definition['table']->getConnection()->query($query, array($id));
$related->setReference($record, $this);
......@@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ class Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey extends Doctrine_Relation
public function fetchRelatedFor(Doctrine_Record $record)
$id = $record->get($this->local);
$id = $record->get($this->definition['local']);
if (empty($id)) {
$related = $this->table->create();
$related = $this->definition['table']->create();
} else {
if ( ! ($related = $this->table->find($id))) {
$related = $this->table->create();
if ( ! ($related = $this->definition['table']->find($id))) {
$related = $this->definition['table']->create();
$record->set($this->local, $related, false);
$record->set($this->definition['local'], $related, false);
return $related;
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