Commit 2d9c165f authored by zYne's avatar zYne

parser caching functionality added

parent 324188a6
......@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Query_Abstract implements Countable
protected $_options = array(
'fetchMode' => Doctrine::FETCH_RECORD,
'cacheMode' => null,
'cacheMode' => Doctrine::CACHE_NONE,
'cache' => false,
* @var array $_dqlParts an array containing all DQL query parts
......@@ -89,19 +90,34 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Query_Abstract implements Countable
'groupby' => array(),
'having' => array(),
'orderby' => array(),
'limit' => false,
'offset' => false,
'limit' => array(),
'offset' => array(),
* create
* returns a new Doctrine_Query object
* @param Doctrine_Connection $conn optional connection parameter
* @return Doctrine_Query
public static function create()
public static function create($conn = null)
return new Doctrine_Query();
return new Doctrine_Query($conn);
* setOption
* @param string $name option name
* @param string $value option value
* @return Doctrine_Query this object
public function setOption($name, $value)
if ( ! isset($this->_options[$name])) {
throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Unknown option ' . $name);
$this->_options[$name] = $value;
* addEnumParam
......@@ -231,9 +247,13 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Query_Abstract implements Countable
if ($append) {
$this->_dqlParts[$queryPartName][] = $queryPart;
} else {
$this->_dqlParts[$queryPartName] = $queryPart;
$this->_dqlParts[$queryPartName] = array($queryPart);
if ($this->_options['cache'] === Doctrine::CACHE_NONE) {
return $this->getParser($queryPartName)->parse($queryPart);
return $this;
* getDql
......@@ -246,14 +266,14 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Query_Abstract implements Countable
public function getDql()
$q = '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['select']))? 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $this->parts['select']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['from']))? ' FROM ' . implode(' ', $this->parts['from']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['where']))? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $this->parts['where']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['groupby']))? ' GROUP BY ' . implode(', ', $this->parts['groupby']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['having']))? ' HAVING ' . implode(' AND ', $this->parts['having']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['orderby']))? ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $this->parts['orderby']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['limit']))? ' LIMIT ' . implode(' ', $this->parts['limit']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['offset']))? ' OFFSET ' . implode(' ', $this->parts['offset']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->_dqlParts['select']))? 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $this->_dqlParts['select']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->_dqlParts['from']))? ' FROM ' . implode(' ', $this->_dqlParts['from']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->_dqlParts['where']))? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $this->_dqlParts['where']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->_dqlParts['groupby']))? ' GROUP BY ' . implode(', ', $this->_dqlParts['groupby']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->_dqlParts['having']))? ' HAVING ' . implode(' AND ', $this->_dqlParts['having']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->_dqlParts['orderby']))? ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $this->_dqlParts['orderby']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->_dqlParts['limit']))? ' LIMIT ' . implode(' ', $this->_dqlParts['limit']) : '';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->_dqlParts['offset']))? ' OFFSET ' . implode(' ', $this->_dqlParts['offset']) : '';
return $q;
......@@ -564,6 +584,31 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Query_Abstract implements Countable
public function getQuery($params = array())
// check if parser cache is on
if ($this->_options['cacheMode'] === Doctrine::CACHE_PARSER) {
if ( ! $this->_options['cache']) {
throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Cache not availible. Use setOption() for setting the cache container.');
$dql = $this->getDql();
// calculate hash for dql query
$hash = strlen($dql) . md5($dql);
// check if cache has sql equivalent for given hash
$sql = $this->_options['cache']->fetch($hash, true);
if ($sql !== null) {
return $sql;
// cache miss, build sql query from dql parts
foreach ($this->_dqlParts as $queryPartName => $queryParts) {
if (is_array($queryParts)) {
foreach ($queryParts as $queryPart) {
if (empty($this->parts['select']) || empty($this->parts['from'])) {
return false;
......@@ -644,6 +689,11 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Query_Abstract implements Countable
if ($needsSubQuery) {
// append sql query into cache
if ($this->_options['cacheMode'] === Doctrine::CACHE_PARSER) {
$this->_options['cache']->save($hash, $q);
return $q;
......@@ -1056,7 +1106,7 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Query_Abstract implements Countable
* LEFT JOIN u.Phonenumber p
* WHERE p.phonenumber = '123 123' LIMIT 10
* The query this method executes:
* The modified DQL query:
* LEFT JOIN u.Phonenumber p
* WHERE p.phonenumber = '123 123'
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