Commit 2f85c85c authored by nightfreak's avatar nightfreak

added the method refreshRelated() to Doctrine_Record

parent f92cd777
......@@ -669,6 +669,26 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Record extends Doctrine_Record_Abstract implements Count
return $this;
* refresh
* refres data of related objects from the database
* @param string $name name of a related component.
* if set, this method only refreshes the specified related component
public function refreshRelated($name = null)
if (is_null($name)) {
foreach ($this->_table->getRelations() as $rel) {
$this->_references[$rel->getAlias()] = $rel->fetchRelatedFor($this);
} else {
$rel = $this->_table->getRelation($name);
$this->_references[$name] = $rel->fetchRelatedFor($this);
* getTable
* returns the table object for this record
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class Doctrine_Record_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase
$this->tables[] = 'fieldNameTest';
$this->tables[] = 'GzipTest';
$this->tables[] = 'Book';
$this->tables[] = 'EntityAddress';
......@@ -869,5 +870,21 @@ class Doctrine_Record_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase
$user = $this->connection->getTable("User")->find(4);
$this->assertTrue($user->getIterator() instanceof ArrayIterator);
public function testRefreshRelated()
$user = $this->connection->getTable("User")->find(4);
$user->Address[0]->address = "Address #1";
$user->Address[1]->address = "Address #2";
$this->assertEqual(count($user->Address), 2);
Doctrine_Query::create()->delete()->from('EntityAddress')->where('user_id = ? AND address_id = ?', array($user->id, $user->Address[1]->id))->execute();
$this->assertEqual(count($user->Address), 1);
Doctrine_Query::create()->delete()->from('EntityAddress')->where('user_id = ? AND address_id = ?', array($user->id, $user->Address[0]->id))->execute();
$this->assertEqual(count($user->Address), 0);
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