## BC BREAK `Statement::quote()` only accepts strings.
`Statement::quote()` and `ExpressionBuilder::literal()` no longer accept arguments of an arbitrary type and and don't implement type-specific handling. Only strings can be quoted.
## BC BREAK `Statement` and `Connection` methods return `void`.
## BC BREAK `Statement` and `Connection` methods return `void`.
`Connection::connect()`, `Statement::bindParam()`, `::bindValue()`, `::execute()`, `ResultStatement::setFetchMode()` and `::closeCursor()` no longer return a boolean value. They will throw an exception in case of failure.
`Connection::connect()`, `Statement::bindParam()`, `::bindValue()`, `::execute()`, `ResultStatement::setFetchMode()` and `::closeCursor()` no longer return a boolean value. They will throw an exception in case of failure.