## Deprecated `ArrayStatement` and `ResultCacheStatement` classes.
The `ArrayStatement` and `ResultCacheStatement` classes are deprecated. In a future major release they will be renamed and marked internal as implementation details of the caching layer.
## Deprecated `ResultStatement` interface
1. The `ResultStatement` interface is deprecated. Use the `Driver\Result` and `Abstraction\Result` interfaces instead.
2.`ResultStatement::closeCursor()` is deprecated in favor of `Result::free()`.
## Deprecated `FetchMode` and the corresponding methods
1. The `FetchMode` class and the `setFetchMode()` method of the `Connection` and `Statement` interfaces are deprecated.
2. The `Statement::fetch()` method is deprecated in favor of `fetchNumeric()`, `fetchAssociative()` and `fetchOne()`.
3. The `Statement::fetchAll()` method is deprecated in favor of `fetchAllNumeric()`, `fetchAllAssociative()` and `fetchFirstColumn()`.
4. The `Statement::fetchColumn()` method is deprecated in favor of `fetchOne()`.
2. The `Statement::fetch()` method is deprecated in favor of `Result::fetchNumeric()`, `::fetchAssociative()` and `::fetchOne()`.
3. The `Statement::fetchAll()` method is deprecated in favor of `Result::fetchAllNumeric()`, `::fetchAllAssociative()` and `::fetchFirstColumn()`.
4. The `Statement::fetchColumn()` method is deprecated in favor of `Result::fetchOne()`.
5. The `Connection::fetchArray()` and `fetchAssoc()` method are deprecated in favor of `fetchNumeric()` and `fetchAssociative()` respectively.
6. The `StatementIterator` class and the usage of a `Statement` object as `Traversable` is deprecated in favor of `iterateNumeric()`, `iterateAssociative()` and `iterateColumn()`.
6. The `StatementIterator` class and the usage of a `Statement` object as `Traversable` is deprecated in favor of `Result::iterateNumeric()`, `::iterateAssociative()` and `::iterateColumn()`.
7. Fetching data in mixed mode (`FetchMode::MIXED`) is deprecated.