Unverified Commit 4343e06d authored by Sergei Morozov's avatar Sergei Morozov Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3834 from CHItA/fix-driver-manager-documentation

Fix docblock typos in DriverManager docs
parents d6992ae0 c12db80d
......@@ -88,20 +88,7 @@ final class DriverManager
* $params must contain at least one of the following.
* Either 'driver' with one of the following values:
* pdo_mysql
* pdo_sqlite
* pdo_pgsql
* pdo_oci (unstable)
* pdo_sqlsrv
* pdo_sqlsrv
* mysqli
* sqlanywhere
* sqlsrv
* ibm_db2 (unstable)
* drizzle_pdo_mysql
* Either 'driver' with one of the array keys of {@link $_driverMap},
* OR 'driverClass' that contains the full class name (with namespace) of the
* driver class to instantiate.
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