Commit 440bef08 authored by zYne's avatar zYne

Updated Doctrine_Db docs

parent d8f35ee0
......@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
// using PDO dsn for connecting sqlite memory table
$dbh = Doctrine_DB::getConnection('sqlite::memory:');
$dbh = Doctrine_Db::getConnection('sqlite::memory:');
class Counter extends Doctrine_DB_EventListener {
class Counter extends Doctrine_Db_EventListener {
private $queries = 0;
public function onQuery(Doctrine_DB $dbh, $query, $params) {
public function onQuery(Doctrine_Db_Event $event) {
public function count() {
// using PDO dsn for connecting sqlite memory table
$dbh = Doctrine_DB::getConnection('sqlite::memory:');
// using PEAR like dsn for connecting mysql database
$dsn = 'mysql://root:password@localhost/test';
$dbh = Doctrine_DB::getConnection($dsn);
......@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
// using PDO dsn for connecting sqlite memory table
$dbh = Doctrine_DB::getConnection('sqlite::memory:');
$dbh = Doctrine_Db::getConnection('sqlite::memory:');
class MyLogger extends Doctrine_DB_EventListener {
public function onPreQuery(Doctrine_DB $dbh, $query, $params) {
class MyLogger extends Doctrine_Db_EventListener {
public function onPreQuery(Doctrine_Db_Event $event) {
print "database is going to be queried!";
public function onQuery(Doctrine_DB $dbh, $query, $params) {
print "executed: $query";
public function onQuery(Doctrine_Db_Event $event) {
print "executed: " . $event->getQuery();
Doctrine_Db supports event listener chaining. It means multiple listeners can be attached for
listening the events of a single instance of Doctrine_Db.
<br \><br \>
For example you might want to add different aspects to your Doctrine_Db instance on-demand. These aspects may include
caching, query profiling etc.
<br \><br \>
<?php ?>
Doctrine_Db allows both PEAR-like DSN (data source name) as well as PDO like DSN as constructor parameters.
<br \><br \>
Getting an instance of Doctrine_Db using PEAR-like DSN:
<br \><br \>
$str = "<?php
// using PEAR like dsn for connecting pgsql database
// using PDO like dsn for connecting sqlite memory table
\$dbh = new Doctrine_Db('pgsql://root:password@localhost/mydb');
$dbh = Doctrine_DB::getConnection('sqlite::memory:');
// using PDO like dsn for connecting pgsql database
// using PEAR like dsn for connecting mysql database
$dbh = Doctrine_DB::getConnection('pgsql://root:password@localhost/mydb');
\$dbh = new Doctrine_Db('mysql://root:password@localhost/test');
<br \><br \>
Getting an instance of Doctrine_Db using PDO-like DSN (PDO mysql driver):
<br \><br \>
$str = "<?php
\$dbh = new Doctrine_Db('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test',
\$user, \$pass);
<br \><br \>
Getting an instance of Doctrine_Db using PDO-like DSN (PDO sqlite with memory tables):
<br \> <br \>
$str = "<?php
\$dbh = new Doctrine_Db('sqlite::memory:');
<br \><br \>
// using PEAR like dsn for connecting mysql database
Handling connection errors:
$dbh = Doctrine_DB::getConnection('mysql://root:password@localhost/test');
$str = "<?php
try {
\$dbh = new Doctrine_Db('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test',
\$user, \$pass);
foreach (\$dbh->query('SELECT * FROM foo') as \$row) {
\$dbh = null;
} catch (PDOException \$e) {
print 'Error!: ' . \$e->getMessage() . '<br />';
Doctrine_DB is a wrapper for PDO database object. Why should you consider using Doctrine_DB instead of PDO?
Doctrine_Db is a wrapper for PDO database object. Why should you consider using Doctrine_Db instead of PDO?
<br \><br \>
1. It provides efficient eventlistener architecture, hence its easy to add new aspects to existing methods like on-demand-caching
<br \><br \>
2. Doctrine_DB lazy-connects database. Creating an instance of Doctrine_DB doesn't directly connect database, hence
Doctrine_DB fits perfectly for application using for example page caching.
2. Doctrine_Db lazy-connects database. Creating an instance of Doctrine_Db doesn't directly connect database, hence
Doctrine_Db fits perfectly for application using for example page caching.
<br \><br \>
3. It has many short cuts for commonly used fetching methods like Doctrine_DB::fetchOne().
3. It has many short cuts for commonly used fetching methods like Doctrine_Db::fetchOne().
<br \><br \>
4. Supports PEAR-like data source names as well as PDO data source names.
<?php ?>
Doctrine_Db has a pluggable event listener architecture. It provides before and after
listeners for all relevant methods. Every listener method takes one parameter: a Doctrine_Db_Event object, which
holds info about the occurred event.
<br \><br \>
Every listener object must either implement the Doctrine_Db_EventListener_Interface or Doctrine_Overloadable interface.
Using Doctrine_Overloadable interface
only requires you to implement __call() which is then used for listening all the events. <br \><br \>
$str = "<?php
class OutputLogger extends Doctrine_Overloadable {
public function __call(\$m, \$a) {
print \$m . ' called!';
<br \><br \>
For convience
you may want to make your listener class extend Doctrine_Db_EventListener which has empty listener methods, hence allowing you not to define
all the listener methods by hand. The following listener, 'MyLogger', is used for listening only onPreQuery and onQuery methods.<br \><br \>
$str = "<?php
class MyLogger extends Doctrine_Db_EventListener {
public function onPreQuery(Doctrine_Db_Event \$event) {
print 'database is going to be queried!';
public function onQuery(Doctrine_Db_Event \$event) {
print 'executed: ' . \$event->getQuery();
<br \><br \>
Now the next thing we need to do is bind the eventlistener objects to our database handler.
<br \><br \>
......@@ -59,15 +59,17 @@ function render_block($name) {
function renderCode($c = null) {
global $h;
if( ! empty($c)) {
$h = new PHP_Highlight;
print "<table width=500 border=1 class='dashed' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
print "<tr><td>";
print $h->toHtml();
print "</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
......@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ $menu = array("Getting started" =>
"Using SQL",
"Adding components",
"Method overloading"),
"DB" => array(
"Db" => array(
"Connecting to a database",
"Using event listeners",
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