<li><strong>Konsta Vesterinen(zYne-)</strong> - Konsta is the project founder and lead developer of Doctrine.</li>
<li><strong>Roman S. Borschel(romanb)</strong> - Assists in the development of Doctrine through suggestions and small code contributions.</li>
<li><strong>Ian P. Christian(pookey)</strong> - Hosts trac and SVN. Helps with testing and occasionally writes a line of code.</li>
<li><strong>Janne Vanhala(jepso)</strong> - The lead developer of the official Doctrine subproject Sensei. Creator of the documentation tool Doctrine uses.</li>
You can contribute to the Doctrine development in many different ways. First start by <?phpecholink_to('registering for trac','@trac_register');?>
access. Once you done that you can begin submitting tickets for issues/bugs you discover while working with Doctrine. If you wish to contribute directly to the code,
you must request svn commit access in IRC from either pookey or <?phpechomail_to('jonwage@gmail.com','jwage');?>.
<h1>Copyright Doctrine 2006-2007 - Powered by <?phpecholink_to('symfony','http://www.symfony-project.com','target=_BLANK');?> and sponsored by <?phpecholink_to('CentreSource','http://www.centresource.com','target=_BLANK');?></h1>