Doctrine_Query_Registry is a class for registering and naming queries. It helps with the organization of your applications queries and along with that it offers some very nice convenience stuff.
Doctrine_Query_Registry is a class for registering and naming queries. It helps with the organization of your applications queries and along with that it offers some very nice convenience stuff.
The queries are added using the add() method of the registry object. It takes two parameters, the query name and the actual DQL query.
The queries are added using the add() method of the registry object. It takes two parameters, the query name and the actual DQL query.
The Query registry supports namespaces. The namespace is separated from the actual name with / -mark. If the name of the namespace is a record name the given record has all the named queries availible in its local scope.
The Query registry supports namespaces. The namespace is separated from the actual name with / -mark. If the name of the namespace is a record name the given record has all the named queries available in its local scope.