Commit 5aaa598f authored by njero's avatar njero

More tests around the hasOne problem

parent 8d483750
......@@ -138,6 +138,11 @@ class Doctrine_TicketNjero_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase
$q = new Doctrine_Query();
# If I use
# $p = $q->from('PolicyN p')
# this test passes, but there is another issue just not reflected in this test yet, see "in my app" note below
$p = $q->from('PolicyN p, p.RateN r, r.PolicyCodeN y, r.CoverageCodeN c, r.LiabilityCodeN l')
->where('( = ?)', array('1'))
......@@ -146,8 +151,16 @@ class Doctrine_TicketNjero_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase
$this->assertEqual($p->rate_id, 1);
$this->assertEqual($p->RateN->id, 1);
$this->assertEqual($p->RateN->policy_code, 1);
$this->assertEqual($p->RateN->coverage_code, 3);
$this->assertEqual($p->RateN->coverage_code, 3); # fail
$this->assertEqual($p->RateN->liability_code, 1);
$c = $p->RateN->coverage_code;
$c2 = $p->RateN->CoverageCodeN->code;
$c3 = $p->RateN->coverage_code;
$this->assertEqual($c, $c2); # fail
$this->assertEqual($c, $c3); # in my app this fails as well, but I can't reproduce this
#echo "Values " . serialize(array($c, $c2, $c3));
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