Commit 7b48189b authored by zYne's avatar zYne

new DQL aggregate value model

parent 12dc05fa
......@@ -33,6 +33,49 @@
* @version $Revision$
final class Doctrine {
const ERR = -1;
const ERR_SYNTAX = -2;
const ERR_CONSTRAINT = -3;
const ERR_NOT_FOUND = -4;
const ERR_MISMATCH = -7;
const ERR_INVALID = -8;
const ERR_NOT_CAPABLE = -9;
const ERR_TRUNCATED = -10;
const ERR_INVALID_DATE = -12;
const ERR_DIVZERO = -13;
const ERR_CANNOT_CREATE = -15;
const ERR_CANNOT_DELETE = -16;
const ERR_CANNOT_DROP = -17;
const ERR_NOSUCHTABLE = -18;
const ERR_NOSUCHFIELD = -19;
const ERR_NEED_MORE_DATA = -20;
const ERR_NOT_LOCKED = -21;
const ERR_INVALID_DSN = -23;
const ERR_NOSUCHDB = -26;
const ERR_DEADLOCK = -30;
const ERR_CANNOT_ALTER = -31;
const ERR_MANAGER = -32;
const ERR_MANAGER_PARSE = -33;
const ERR_LOADMODULE = -34;
* class naming error
const ERR_CLASS_NAME = -36;
......@@ -353,12 +396,12 @@ final class Doctrine {
* @return boolean
public static function autoload($classname) {
if(! self::$path)
self::$path = dirname(__FILE__);
return false;
if(! self::$path)
self::$path = dirname(__FILE__);
$class = self::$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$classname) . '.php';
if( ! file_exists($class))
......@@ -366,6 +409,7 @@ final class Doctrine {
return true;
......@@ -394,7 +438,7 @@ final class Doctrine {
public static function isValidClassname($classname) {
if(preg_match('~(^[a-z])|(_[a-z])|([\W])|(_{2})~', $classname))
throw new Doctrine_Exception("Class name is not valid. Use camel case and underscores (i.e My_PerfectClass).");
return false;
return true;
......@@ -597,20 +597,64 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Connection extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Coun
return $this->dbh->query($query);
* execute
* @param string $query sql query
* @param array $params query parameters
* @return PDOStatement
* @return PDOStatement|Doctrine_Adapter_Statement
public function execute($query, array $params = array()) {
if( ! empty($params)) {
$stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($query);
return $stmt;
} else {
return $this->dbh->query($query);
try {
if( ! empty($params)) {
$stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($query);
return $stmt;
} else {
return $this->dbh->query($query);
} catch(Doctrine_Adapter_Exception $e) {
} catch(PDOException $e) {
* exec
* @param string $query sql query
* @param array $params query parameters
* @return PDOStatement|Doctrine_Adapter_Statement
public function exec($query, array $params = array()) {
try {
if( ! empty($params)) {
$stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($query);
return $stmt;
} else {
return $this->dbh->exec($query);
} catch(Doctrine_Adapter_Exception $e) {
} catch(PDOException $e) { }
* rethrowException
* @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception
private function rethrowException(Exception $e) {
$name = 'Doctrine_Connection_' . $this->driverName . '_Exception';
$exc = new $name($e->getMessage(), (int) $e->getCode());
if( ! is_array($e->errorInfo))
$e->errorInfo = array();
$exc->errorInfo = $exc->processErrorInfo($e->errorInfo);
throw $exc;
* hasTable
* whether or not this connection has table $name initialized
......@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ class Doctrine_Connection_Exception extends Doctrine_Exception {
Doctrine::ERR_TRUNCATED => 'truncated',
Doctrine::ERR_DEADLOCK => 'deadlock detected',
* Return a textual error message for a Doctrine error code
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module {
* @return void
public function dropTable($table) {
$this->conn->getDbh()->query('DROP TABLE ' . $table);
$this->conn->execute('DROP TABLE ' . $table);
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module {
public function dropIndex($table, $name) {
$name = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->conn->getIndexName($name), true);
return $this->conn->getDbh()->exec('DROP INDEX ' . $name);
return $this->conn->exec('DROP INDEX ' . $name);
* drop existing constraint
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module {
public function dropConstraint($table, $name, $primary = false) {
$table = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($table, true);
$name = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->conn->getIndexName($name), true);
return $this->conn->getDbh()->exec('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $name);
return $this->conn->exec('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $name);
* drop existing sequence
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module {
$name = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($name, true);
$query = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $name . ' (' . $queryFields . ')';
return $this->conn->getDbh()->exec($query);
return $this->conn->exec($query);
* create sequence
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module {
$fields[] = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($field, true);
$query .= ' ('. implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
return $this->conn->getDbh()->exec($query);
return $this->conn->exec($query);
* Get the stucture of a field into an array
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module {
* @return void
public function createIndex($table, $name, array $definition) {
return $this->conn->getDbh()->query($this->createIndexSql($table, $name, $definition));
return $this->conn->execute($this->createIndexSql($table, $name, $definition));
* Get the stucture of a field into an array
......@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module {
* @return void
public function alterTable($name, array $changes, $check) {
$this->conn->getDbh()->query($this->alterTableSql($name, $changes, $check));
$this->conn->execute($this->alterTableSql($name, $changes, $check));
* alter an existing table
......@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module {
* @return void
public static function export() {
public static function exportAll() {
$parent = new ReflectionClass('Doctrine_Record');
$conn = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection();
$old = $conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CREATE_TABLES);
......@@ -604,4 +604,40 @@ class Doctrine_Export extends Doctrine_Connection_Module {
$conn->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CREATE_TABLES, $old);
public function export($record) {
if( ! $record instanceof Doctrine_Record)
$record = new $record();
$table = $record->getTable();
$reporter = new Doctrine_Reporter();
if( ! Doctrine::isValidClassname($table->getComponentName())) {
$reporter->add(E_WARNING, Doctrine::ERR_CLASS_NAME);
try {
$columns = array();
foreach($table->getColumns() as $name => $column) {
$definition = $column[2];
$definition['type'] = $column[0];
$definition['length'] = $column[1];
if($definition['type'] == 'enum' && isset($definition['default']))
$definition['default'] = $table->enumIndex($name, $definition['default']);
if($definition['type'] == 'boolean' && isset($definition['default']))
$definition['default'] = (int) $definition['default'];
$columns[$name] = $definition;
$this->createTable($table->getTableName(), $columns);
} catch(Doctrine_Connection_Exception $e) {
$reporter->add(E_ERROR, $e->getCode());
return $reporter;
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Firebird extends Doctrine_Export {
IF (NEW.' . $name . ' IS NULL OR NEW.' . $name . ' = 0) THEN
NEW.' . $name . ' = GEN_ID('.$sequence_name.', 1);
$result = $this->conn->getDbh()->exec($triggerSql);
$result = $this->conn->exec($triggerSql);
// TODO ? $this->_silentCommit();
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Firebird extends Doctrine_Export {
//remove autoincrement trigger associated with the table
$table = $this->conn->getDbh()->quote(strtoupper($table));
$trigger_name = $this->conn->getDbh()->quote(strtoupper($table) . '_AUTOINCREMENT_PK');
$result = $this->conn->getDbh()->exec("DELETE FROM RDB\$TRIGGERS WHERE UPPER(RDB\$RELATION_NAME)=$table AND UPPER(RDB\$TRIGGER_NAME)=$trigger_name");
$result = $this->conn->exec("DELETE FROM RDB\$TRIGGERS WHERE UPPER(RDB\$RELATION_NAME)=$table AND UPPER(RDB\$TRIGGER_NAME)=$trigger_name");
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
......@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Firebird extends Doctrine_Export {
$query .= ' ('.implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
$result = $this->conn->getDbh()->exec($query);
$result = $this->conn->exec($query);
// todo: $this->_silentCommit();
return $result;
......@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Firebird extends Doctrine_Export {
$fields[] = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($field, true);
$query .= ' ('. implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
$result = $this->conn->getDbh()->exec($query);
$result = $this->conn->exec($query);
// TODO ? $this->_silentCommit();
return $result;
......@@ -503,9 +503,9 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Firebird extends Doctrine_Export {
public function createSequence($seqName, $start = 1) {
$sequenceName = $this->conn->getSequenceName($seqName);
$this->conn->getDbh()->exec('CREATE GENERATOR ' . $sequenceName);
$this->conn->exec('CREATE GENERATOR ' . $sequenceName);
$this->conn->getDbh()->exec('SET GENERATOR ' . $sequenceName . ' TO ' . ($start-1));
$this->conn->exec('SET GENERATOR ' . $sequenceName . ' TO ' . ($start-1));
......@@ -519,6 +519,6 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Firebird extends Doctrine_Export {
$sequence_name = $this->conn->getSequenceName($seq_name);
$sequence_name = $this->conn->getDbh()->quote($sequence_name);
return $this->conn->getDbh()->exec($query);
return $this->conn->exec($query);
......@@ -158,22 +158,18 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mssql extends Doctrine_Export {
case 'rename':
case 'change':
return $db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_ALTER, null, null,
return $db->raiseError(Doctrine::ERR_CANNOT_ALTER, null, null,
'alterTable: change type "'.$change_name.'" not yet supported');
if ($check) {
return MDB2_OK;
$query = '';
if (!empty($changes['add']) && is_array($changes['add'])) {
foreach ($changes['add'] as $field_name => $field) {
if ($query) {
$query.= ', ';
$query.= 'ADD ' . $db->getDeclaration($field['type'], $field_name, $field);
$query.= 'ADD ' . $this->conn->getDeclaration($field['type'], $field_name, $field);
......@@ -182,7 +178,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mssql extends Doctrine_Export {
if ($query) {
$query.= ', ';
$field_name = $db->quoteIdentifier($field_name, true);
$field_name = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($field_name, true);
$query.= 'DROP COLUMN ' . $field_name;
......@@ -191,8 +187,8 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mssql extends Doctrine_Export {
return MDB2_OK;
$name = $db->quoteIdentifier($name, true);
return $db->exec("ALTER TABLE $name $query");
$name = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($name, true);
return $this->conn->exec("ALTER TABLE $name $query");
* create sequence
......@@ -235,6 +231,6 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mssql extends Doctrine_Export {
public function dropSequence($seqName) {
$sequenceName = $db->quoteIdentifier($db->getSequenceName($seqName), true);
return $db->exec('DROP TABLE ' . $sequenceName);
return $this->conn->exec('DROP TABLE ' . $sequenceName);
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export {
public function createDatabase($name) {
$query = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($name, true);
$result = $this->conn->getDbh()->query($query);
$result = $this->conn->exec($query);
* drop an existing database
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export {
public function dropDatabase($name) {
$query = 'DROP DATABASE ' . $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($name);
* create a new table
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export {
if (!empty($optionStrings)) {
$query.= ' '.implode(' ', $optionStrings);
return $this->conn->getDbh()->query($query);
return $this->conn->exec($query);
* alter an existing table
......@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export {
$query .= ' ('. implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
return $this->conn->getDbh()->query($query);
return $this->conn->exec($query);
* drop existing index
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export {
public function dropIndex($table, $name) {
$table = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($table, true);
$name = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->conn->getIndexName($name), true);
return $this->conn->getDbh()->query('DROP INDEX ' . $name . ' ON ' . $table);
return $this->conn->exec('DROP INDEX ' . $name . ' ON ' . $table);
* dropTable
......@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Mysql extends Doctrine_Export {
public function dropTable($table) {
$table = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($table, true);
$this->conn->getDbh()->query('DROP TABLE ' . $table);
$this->conn->exec('DROP TABLE ' . $table);
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ BEGIN
return $this->conn->getDbh()->exec($trigger_sql);
return $this->conn->exec($trigger_sql);
* drop an existing autoincrement sequence + trigger
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ END;
$trigger_sql = 'DROP TRIGGER ' . $trigger_name;
// if throws exception, trigger for autoincrement PK could not be dropped
// if throws exception, sequence for autoincrement PK could not be dropped
......@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ END;
$sequenceName = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->conn->getSequenceName($seqName), true);
$query = 'CREATE SEQUENCE ' . $sequenceName . ' START WITH ' . $start . ' INCREMENT BY 1 NOCACHE';
$query.= ($start < 1 ? ' MINVALUE ' . $start : '');
return $this->conn->getDbh()->exec($query);
return $this->conn->exec($query);
* drop existing sequence
......@@ -428,6 +428,6 @@ END;
public function dropSequence($seqName) {
$sequenceName = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->conn->getSequenceName($seqName), true);
return $this->conn->getDbh()->exec('DROP SEQUENCE ' . $sequenceName);
return $this->conn->exec('DROP SEQUENCE ' . $sequenceName);
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Pgsql extends Doctrine_Export {
public function createDatabase($name) {
$query = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($name);
* drop an existing database
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Pgsql extends Doctrine_Export {
public function dropDatabase($name) {
$query = 'DROP DATABASE ' . $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($name);
* alter an existing table
......@@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Sqlite extends Doctrine_Export {
$fields[] = $fieldString;
$query .= ' ('.implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
return $this->conn->getDbh()->exec($query);
return $this->conn->exec($query);
......@@ -387,31 +387,46 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Hydrate extends Doctrine_Access {
if ( !isset($this->tables[$key]) )
throw new Doctrine_Exception("No table named $key found.");
throw new Doctrine_Exception('No table named ' . $key . ' found.');
$ids = $this->tables[$key]->getIdentifier();
$name = $key;
if($this->isIdentifiable($row, $ids)) {
if($name !== $root) {
$prev = $this->initRelated($prev, $name);
// aggregate values have numeric keys
if(isset($row[0])) {
$component = $this->tables[$name]->getComponentName();
// if the collection already has objects, get the last object
// otherwise create a new one where the aggregate values are being mapped
if($prev[$name]->count() > 0) {
$record = $prev[$name]->getLast();
} else {
$record = new $component();
$prev = $this->initRelated($prev, $name);
// aggregate values have numeric keys
if(isset($row[0])) {
$path = array_search($name, $this->tableAliases);
$alias = $this->getPathAlias($path);
// map each aggregate value
foreach($row as $index => $value) {
$agg = false;
$path = array_search($name, $this->tableAliases);
$alias = $this->getPathAlias($path);
$agg = $this->pendingAggregates[$alias][$index][3];
// map each aggregate value
foreach($row as $index => $value) {
$agg = false;
$prev[$name]->setAggregateValue($agg, $value);
if(isset($this->pendingAggregates[$alias][$index])) {
$agg = $this->pendingAggregates[$alias][$index][3];
$record->mapValue($agg, $value);
......@@ -419,13 +434,28 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Hydrate extends Doctrine_Access {
$previd[$name] = array();
if($previd[$name] !== $row) {
// set internal data
// set internal data
// initialize a new record
$record = $this->tables[$name]->getRecord();
// initialize a new record
$record = $this->tables[$name]->getRecord();
// aggregate values have numeric keys
if(isset($row[0])) {
$path = array_search($name, $this->tableAliases);
$alias = $this->getPathAlias($path);
// map each aggregate value
foreach($row as $index => $value) {
$agg = false;
$agg = $this->pendingAggregates[$alias][$index][3];
$record->mapValue($agg, $value);
if($name == $root) {
......@@ -462,7 +492,7 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Hydrate extends Doctrine_Access {
public function initRelated(array $prev, $name) {
$pointer = $this->joins[$name];
$path = array_search($name, $this->tableAliases);
$tmp = explode(".", $path);
$tmp = explode('.', $path);
$alias = end($tmp);
if( ! isset($prev[$pointer]) )
......@@ -283,31 +283,40 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Hydrate implements Countable {
* addFrom
* @param strint $from
* @return Doctrine_Query
public function addFrom($from) {
$class = 'Doctrine_Query_From';
$parser = new $class($this);
return $this;
* leftJoin
* @param strint $join
* @return Doctrine_Query
public function leftJoin($join) {
$class = 'Doctrine_Query_From';
$parser = new $class($this);
$parser->parse('LEFT JOIN '. $join);
$parser->parse('LEFT JOIN ' . $join);
return $this;
* innerJoin
* @param strint $join
* @return Doctrine_Query
public function innerJoin($join) {
$class = 'Doctrine_Query_From';
$parser = new $class($this);
$parser->parse('INNER JOIN '. $join);
$parser->parse('INNER JOIN ' . $join);
return $this;
* addWhere
......@@ -15,23 +15,36 @@ class Doctrine_Query_From extends Doctrine_Query_Part {
$parts = Doctrine_Query::bracketExplode($str, 'JOIN');
$operator = false;
switch(trim($parts[0])) {
case 'INNER':
$operator = ':';
case 'LEFT':
$last = '';
foreach($parts as $k => $part) {
$part = trim($part);
$e = explode(" ", $part);
if(empty($part)) {
$e = explode(' ', $part);
if(end($e) == 'INNER' || end($e) == 'LEFT')
$last = array_pop($e);
$part = implode(" ", $e);
$part = implode(' ', $e);
foreach(Doctrine_Query::bracketExplode($part, ',') as $reference) {
$reference = trim($reference);
$e = explode('.', $reference);
if($operator) {
$reference = array_shift($e).$operator.implode('.', $e);
$reference = array_shift($e) . $operator . implode('.', $e);
$table = $this->query->load($reference);
......@@ -74,24 +74,28 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Record extends Doctrine_Access implements Countable, Ite
* rather than the values of these protected variables
* @var object Doctrine_Table $table the factory that created this data access object
* @var object Doctrine_Table $_table the factory that created this data access object
protected $_table;
* @var integer $id the primary keys of this object
* @var integer $_id the primary keys of this object
protected $_id = array();
* @var array $data the record data
* @var array $_data the record data
protected $_data = array();
* @var integer $state the state of this record
* @var array $_values the values array, aggregate values and such are mapped into this array
protected $_values = array();
* @var integer $_state the state of this record
* @see STATE_* constants
protected $_state;
* @var array $modified an array containing properties that have been modified
* @var array $_modified an array containing properties that have been modified
protected $_modified = array();
......@@ -723,6 +727,9 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Record extends Doctrine_Access implements Countable, Ite
if($name === $this->_table->getIdentifier())
return null;
return $this->_values[$lower];
$rel = $this->_table->getRelation($name);
try {
......@@ -734,7 +741,20 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Record extends Doctrine_Access implements Countable, Ite
return $this->references[$name];
* mapValue
* This simple method is used for mapping values to $values property.
* Usually this method is used internally by Doctrine for the mapping of
* aggregate values.
* @param string $name the name of the mapped value
* @param mixed $value mixed value to be mapped
* @return void
public function mapValue($name, $value) {
$name = strtolower($name);
$this->_values[$name] = $value;
* set
* method for altering properties and Doctrine_Record references
......@@ -239,17 +239,16 @@ class Doctrine_Table extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Countable {
if($this->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CREATE_TABLES)) {
if($this->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CREATE_TABLES)) {
if(Doctrine::isValidClassname($class->getName())) {
//$dict = new Doctrine_DataDict($this->getConnection()->getDBH());
try {
$columns = array();
foreach($this->columns as $name => $column) {
$definition = $column[2];
$definition['type'] = $column[0];
$definition['length'] = $column[1];
if($definition['type'] == 'enum' && isset($definition['default']))
$definition['default'] = $this->enumIndex($name, $definition['default']);
......@@ -265,6 +264,7 @@ class Doctrine_Table extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Countable {
} else {
throw new Doctrine_Table_Exception("Class '$name' has no table definition.");
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ Building upon the above, we can say that the modifiers alter the field definitio
<br \><br \>
Using the above example, we can also explore the default field operator. Default is set in the same way as the notnull operator to set a default value for the field. This value may be set in any character set that the DBMS supports for text fields, and any other valid data for the field's data type. In the above example, we have specified a valid time for the "Time" data type, '12:34:05'. Remember that when setting default dates and times, as well as datetimes, you should research and stay within the epoch of your chosen DBMS, otherwise you will encounter difficult to diagnose errors!
<br \><br \>
Example 33-1. Example of the length modifier
......@@ -44,5 +43,5 @@ Example 33-1. Example of the length modifier
<br \><br \>
The above example will create a character varying field of length 12 characters in the database table. If the length definition is left out, MDB2 will create a length of the maximum allowable length for the data type specified, which may create a problem with some field types and indexing. Best practice is to define lengths for all or most of your fields.
The above example will create a character varying field of length 12 characters in the database table. If the length definition is left out, Doctrine will create a length of the maximum allowable length for the data type specified, which may create a problem with some field types and indexing. Best practice is to define lengths for all or most of your fields.
......@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ $menu = array('Getting started' =>
'Column attributes' => array(
......@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ $menu = array('Getting started' =>
'Basic Components' =>
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ class AdapterMock implements Doctrine_Adapter_Interface {
private $queries = array();
private $exception = array();
public function __construct($name) {
$this->name = $name;
......@@ -14,13 +15,25 @@ class AdapterMock implements Doctrine_Adapter_Interface {
public function pop() {
return array_pop($this->queries);
public function forceException($name, $message, $code) {
$this->exception = array($name, $message, $code);
public function prepare($prepareString){
return new AdapterStatementMock;
public function query($queryString) {
$this->queries[] = $queryString;
$e = $this->exception;
if( ! empty($e)) {
$name = $e[0];
$this->exception = array();
throw new $name($e[1], $e[2]);
return new AdapterStatementMock;
public function getAll() {
......@@ -31,7 +44,17 @@ class AdapterMock implements Doctrine_Adapter_Interface {
public function exec($statement) {
$this->queries[] = $statement;
$e = $this->exception;
if( ! empty($e)) {
$name = $e[0];
$this->exception = array();
throw new $name($e[1], $e[2]);
return 0;
public function lastInsertId(){ }
......@@ -105,7 +128,7 @@ class Doctrine_Driver_UnitTestCase extends UnitTestCase {
$this->transaction = new $tx($this->conn);
if(class_exists($dataDict)) {
$this->dataDict = new $dataDict($this->conn);
//$this->dataDict = $this->conn->dataDict;
} else {
$this->export = new Doctrine_Export($this->conn);
......@@ -3,6 +3,16 @@ class Doctrine_Export_Sqlite_TestCase extends Doctrine_Driver_UnitTestCase {
public function __construct() {
public function testExportDoesntWorkWithExistingTable() {
$this->manager->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CREATE_TABLES, false);
$this->adapter->forceException('PDOException', 'table already exist', 123);
$reporter = $this->export->export('User');
// Class name is not valid. Double underscores are not allowed
$this->assertEqual($reporter->pop(), array(E_ERROR, Doctrine::ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS));
public function testCreateDatabaseDoesNotExecuteSql() {
try {
class Doctrine_Export_TestCase extends Doctrine_Driver_UnitTestCase {
public function testCreateTableThrowsExceptionWithoutValidTableName() {
try {
......@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ class Doctrine_Query_IdentifierQuoting_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase {
$this->assertEqual($q->getQuery(), 'SELECT AS e__id, AS e__name FROM "entity" e INNER JOIN "phonenumber" p ON = p.entity_id WHERE IN (SELECT DISTINCT FROM "entity" e2 INNER JOIN "phonenumber" p2 ON = p2.entity_id WHERE (e2.type = 0) LIMIT 5) AND (e.type = 0)');
$this->connection->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER, false);
$this->connection->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER, false);
class Doctrine_Query_Select_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase {
public function prepareTables() { }
public function testAggregateFunctionWithDistinctKeyword() {
$q = new Doctrine_Query();
......@@ -58,12 +58,13 @@ class Doctrine_Query_Select_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase {
$q->parseQuery('SELECT, COUNT( FROM User u, u.Phonenumber p GROUP BY');
$users = $q->execute();
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('COUNT'), 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('COUNT'), 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('COUNT'), 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('COUNT'), 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('COUNT'), 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber[0]->COUNT, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber[0]->COUNT, 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber[0]->COUNT, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber[0]->COUNT, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber[0]->COUNT, 3);
public function testAggregateFunctionValueHydrationWithAliases() {
......@@ -73,14 +74,33 @@ class Doctrine_Query_Select_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase {
$q->parseQuery('SELECT, COUNT( count FROM User u, u.Phonenumber p GROUP BY');
$users = $q->execute();
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 3);
public function testMultipleAggregateFunctionValueHydrationWithAliases() {
$q = new Doctrine_Query();
$q->parseQuery('SELECT, COUNT( count, MAX(p.phonenumber) max FROM User u, u.Phonenumber p GROUP BY');
$users = $q->execute();
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '123 123');
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '789 789');
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '123 123');
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '111 222 333');
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '444 555');
public function testMultipleAggregateFunctionValueHydrationWithAliasesAndCleanRecords() {
$q = new Doctrine_Query();
......@@ -88,18 +108,21 @@ class Doctrine_Query_Select_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase {
$users = $q->execute();
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('count'), 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('max'), '123 123');
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('max'), '789 789');
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('max'), '123 123');
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('max'), '111 222 333');
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber->getAggregateValue('max'), '444 555');
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber[0]->state(), Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY);
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 1);
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber[0]->count, 3);
$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '123 123');
$this->assertEqual($users[1]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '789 789');
$this->assertEqual($users[2]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '123 123');
$this->assertEqual($users[3]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '111 222 333');
$this->assertEqual($users[4]->Phonenumber[0]->max, '444 555');
public function testSingleComponentWithAsterisk() {
$q = new Doctrine_Query();
......@@ -5,13 +5,26 @@ class Doctrine_Query_Update_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase {
$q->parseQuery("UPDATE User u SET = 'someone'");
$this->assertEqual($q->getQuery(), "UPDATE entity SET = 'someone' WHERE (e.type = 0)");
$this->assertEqual($q->getQuery(), "UPDATE entity e SET = 'someone' WHERE (e.type = 0)");
$q = new Doctrine_Query();
$q->update('User u')->set('', 'someone');
$q->update('User u')->set('', "'someone'");
$this->assertEqual($q->getQuery(), "UPDATE entity SET = 'someone' WHERE (e.type = 0)");
$this->assertEqual($q->getQuery(), "UPDATE entity e SET = 'someone' WHERE (e.type = 0)");
public function testUpdateWorksWithMultipleColumns() {
$q = new Doctrine_Query();
$q->parseQuery("UPDATE User u SET = 'someone', u.email_id = 5");
$this->assertEqual($q->getQuery(), "UPDATE entity e SET = 'someone', e.email_id = 5 WHERE (e.type = 0)");
$q = new Doctrine_Query();
$q->update('User u')->set('', "'someone'")->set('u.email_id', 5);
$this->assertEqual($q->getQuery(), "UPDATE entity e SET = 'someone', e.email_id = 5 WHERE (e.type = 0)");
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ require_once('QueryShortAliasesTestCase.php');
......@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ class Doctrine_Tester {
......@@ -147,10 +149,14 @@ $test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Export_Firebird_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Configurable_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Export_Sqlite_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Export_Reporter_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Transaction_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql_TestCase());
......@@ -187,8 +193,6 @@ $test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_MultiJoin_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Record_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Relation_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Record_State_TestCase());
......@@ -197,7 +201,6 @@ $test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Record_State_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_SchemaTestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_EventListenerTestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Connection_Transaction_TestCase());
......@@ -210,10 +213,8 @@ $test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_BatchIteratorTestCase());
//$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Collection_Offset_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_ViewTestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_CustomPrimaryKeyTestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Filter_TestCase());
......@@ -232,7 +233,6 @@ $test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_RelationAccessTestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_CustomResultSetOrderTestCase());
//$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Record_Filter_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Condition_TestCase());
......@@ -251,16 +251,18 @@ $test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_From_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Delete_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Update_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Where_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Limit_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Select_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_IdentifierQuoting_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Update_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_AggregateValue_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Select_TestCase());
//$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Cache_Query_SqliteTestCase());
//$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Cache_FileTestCase());
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