Create MySQL schema in more situations

This is now mandatory on the new Travis-CI containers.
parent 8d18a330
language: php
sudo: false
dist: trusty
......@@ -19,9 +20,7 @@ before_script:
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = '7.1' && $DB = 'sqlite' ]]; then PHPUNIT_FLAGS="--coverage-clover .clover.xml"; else PHPUNIT_FLAGS=""; fi
- if [[ "$PHPUNIT_FLAGS" == "" ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || true; fi
- if [ "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "5.7" ]; then bash ./tests/travis/; fi;
- if [[ "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "5.6" || "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "5.7" ]]; then mysql -e "CREATE SCHEMA doctrine_tests; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON doctrine_tests.* to travis@'%'"; fi;
- if [[ "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "5.6" || "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "5.7" ]]; then mysql -e "CREATE SCHEMA test_create_database; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_create_database.* to travis@'%'"; fi;
- if [[ "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "5.6" || "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "5.7" ]]; then mysql -e "CREATE SCHEMA test_drop_database; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_drop_database.* to travis@'%'"; fi;
- if [[ "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "5.6" || "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "5.7" || "$MARIADB_VERSION" == "10.2" || "$MARIADB_VERSION" == "10.1" || "$MARIADB_VERSION" == "10.0" || "$DB" == "mysql" || "$DB" == "mysqli" ]]; then mysql < tests/travis/create-mysql-schema.sql; fi;
fast_finish: true
CREATE SCHEMA doctrine_tests;
CREATE SCHEMA test_create_database;
CREATE SCHEMA test_drop_database;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON doctrine_tests.* to travis@'%';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_create_database.* to travis@'%';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_drop_database.* to travis@'%';
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