Commit 9d73f30d authored by lucasvanlierop's avatar lucasvanlierop

Grouped all representations of boolean values into one dataprovider

parent 03d15077
......@@ -290,13 +290,22 @@ abstract class AbstractPostgreSqlPlatformTestCase extends AbstractPlatformTestCa
* @group DBAL-457
* @dataProvider pgStringBooleanProvider
* @dataProvider pgBooleanProvider
* @param string $databaseValue
* @param string $prepareStatementValue
* @param integer $integerValue
* @param boolean $booleanValue
public function testConvertBooleanAsLiteralStrings($expected, $input)
public function testConvertBooleanAsLiteralStrings(
) {
$platform = $this->createPlatform();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $platform->convertBooleans($input));
$this->assertEquals($preparedStatementValue, $platform->convertBooleans($databaseValue));
......@@ -316,13 +325,23 @@ abstract class AbstractPostgreSqlPlatformTestCase extends AbstractPlatformTestCa
* @group DBAL-630
* @dataProvider pgStringBooleanDatabaseValueProvider
* @dataProvider pgBooleanProvider
* @param string $databaseValue
* @param string $prepareStatementValue
* @param integer $integerValue
* @param boolean $booleanValue
public function testConvertBooleanAsDatabaseValueStrings($expected, $input)
public function testConvertBooleanAsDatabaseValueStrings(
$platform = $this->createPlatform();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $platform->convertBooleansToDatabaseValue($input));
$this->assertEquals($integerValue, $platform->convertBooleansToDatabaseValue($booleanValue));
......@@ -347,17 +366,18 @@ abstract class AbstractPostgreSqlPlatformTestCase extends AbstractPlatformTestCa
* @dataProvider pgStringBooleanDatabaseValueProvider
* @dataProvider pgBooleanProvider
* @param string $databaseValue
* @param string $prepareStatementValue
* @param integer $integerValue
* @param boolean $booleanValue
public function testConvertFromBoolean($expected, $input)
public function testConvertFromBoolean($databaseValue, $prepareStatementValue, $integerValue, $booleanValue)
$platform = $this->createPlatform();
if ($expected === 1) {
} else {
$this->assertSame($booleanValue, $platform->convertFromBoolean($databaseValue));
......@@ -583,49 +603,25 @@ abstract class AbstractPostgreSqlPlatformTestCase extends AbstractPlatformTestCa
* PostgreSQL boolean strings provider
* @return array
public function pgStringBooleanProvider()
return array(
array('true', true),
array('true', 't'),
array('true', 'true'),
array('true', 'y'),
array('true', 'yes'),
array('true', 'on'),
array('true', '1'),
array('false', false),
array('false', 'f'),
array('false', 'false'),
array('false', 'n'),
array('false', 'no'),
array('false', 'off'),
array('false', '0'),
* PostgreSQL boolean strings as database values provider
* @return array
public function pgStringBooleanDatabaseValueProvider()
public function pgBooleanProvider()
return array(
array(1, true),
array(1, 't'),
array(1, 'true'),
array(1, 'y'),
array(1, 'yes'),
array(1, 'on'),
array(1, '1'),
array(0, false),
array(0, 'f'),
array(0, 'false'),
array(0, 'n'),
array(0, 'no'),
array(0, 'off'),
array(0, '0'),
// Database value, prepared statement value, boolean integer value, boolean value.
array(true, 'true', 1, true),
array('t', 'true', 1, true),
array('true', 'true', 1, true),
array('y', 'true', 1, true),
array('yes', 'true', 1, true),
array('on', 'true', 1, true),
array('1', 'true', 1, true),
array(false, 'false', 0, false),
array('f', 'false', 0, false),
array('false', 'false', 0, false),
array( 'n', 'false', 0, false),
array('no', 'false', 0, false),
array('off', 'false', 0, false),
array('0', 'false', 0, false),
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