Commit aa982502 authored by zYne's avatar zYne

docs for soft-delete plugin

parent 215d06c5
++ Eventlisteners
++ Validators
++ View
++ Cache
++ Locking Manager
++ Db_Profiler
++ Connection Profiler
++ Hook
++ Query
++ RawSql
++ Db
++ Exceptions
++ Soft-delete
Soft-delete is a very simple plugin for achieving the following behaviour: when a record is deleted its not removed from database. Usually the record contains some special field like 'deleted' which tells the state of the record (deleted or alive).
The following code snippet shows what you need in order to achieve this kind of behaviour. Notice how we define two event hooks: preDelete and postDelete. Also notice how the preDelete hook skips the actual delete-operation with skipOperation() call. For more info about the event hooks see the Event listener section.
<code type='php'>
class SoftDeleteTest extends Doctrine_Record
public function setTableDefinition()
$this->hasColumn('name', 'string', null, array('primary' => true));
$this->hasColumn('deleted', 'boolean', 1);
public function preDelete($event)
public function postDelete($event)
$this->deleted = true;
Now lets put the plugin in action:
<code type='php'>
// save a new record
$record = new SoftDeleteTest();
$record->name = 'new record';
var_dump($record->deleted); // true
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