Commit aa996d3a authored by Claudio Zizza's avatar Claudio Zizza

Add documentation of onSchemaCreateTableColumn, onSchemaDropTable and onSchemaAlterTable

parent ea473f7d
......@@ -70,8 +70,9 @@ OnSchemaCreateTable Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaCreateTable`` is triggered before every
create statement that is executed by one of the Platform instances and gets
an instance of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Event\SchemaCreateTableEventArgs`` as event argument.
create statement that is executed by one of the Platform instances and injects
an instance of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Event\SchemaCreateTableEventArgs`` as event argument
for event listeners.
.. code-block:: php
......@@ -85,55 +86,121 @@ an instance of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Event\SchemaCreateTableEventArgs`` as event argum
$evm = new EventManager();
$evm->addEventListener('onSchemaCreateTable', new MyEventListener());
$evm->addEventListener(Events::onSchemaCreateTable, new MyEventListener());
$conn = DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, null, $evm);
It allows you to access the ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table`` instances and its columns, the used Platform and
provides a way to add your own SQL statements.
It allows you to access the ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table`` instance and its columns, the used Platform and
provides a way to add additional SQL statements.
OnSchemaCreateTableColumn Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::postConnect`` is triggered
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaCreateTableColumn`` is triggered before a column
create statement that is executed by one of the Platform instances and injects
an instance of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Event\SchemaCreateTableColumnEventArgs`` as event argument
for event listeners.
.. code-block:: php
class MyEventListener
public function onSchemaCreateTableColumn(SchemaCreateTableColumnEventArgs $event)
// Your EventListener code
$evm = new EventManager();
$evm->addEventListener(Events::onSchemaCreateTableColumn, new MyEventListener());
$conn = DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, null, $evm);
It allows you to access the ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table`` instance and its columns, the used Platform and
provides a way to add additional SQL statements.
OnSchemaDropTable Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::postConnect`` is triggered
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaDropTable`` is triggered before a drop table
statement that is executed by one of the Platform instances and injects
an instance of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Event\SchemaDropTableEventArgs`` as event argument
for event listeners.
.. code-block:: php
class MyEventListener
public function onSchemaDropTable(SchemaDropTableEventArgs $event)
// Your EventListener code
$evm = new EventManager();
$evm->addEventListener(Events::onSchemaDropTable, new MyEventListener());
$conn = DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, null, $evm);
It allows you to access the ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table`` instance, the used Platform and
provides a way to set an additional SQL statement.
OnSchemaAlterTable Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::postConnect`` is triggered
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaAlterTable`` is triggered before every
alter statement that is executed by one of the Platform instances and injects
an instance of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Event\SchemaAlterTableEventArgs`` as event argument
for event listeners.
.. code-block:: php
class MyEventListener
public function onSchemaAlterTable(SchemaAlterTableEventArgs $event)
// Your EventListener code
$evm = new EventManager();
$evm->addEventListener(Events::onSchemaAlterTable, new MyEventListener());
$conn = DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, null, $evm);
It allows you to access the ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff`` instance, the used Platform and
provides a way to add additional SQL statements.
OnSchemaAlterTableAddColumn Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::postConnect`` is triggered
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaAlterTableAddColumn`` is triggered
OnSchemaAlterTableRemoveColumn Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::postConnect`` is triggered
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaAlterTableRemoveColumn`` is triggered
OnSchemaAlterTableChangeColumn Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::postConnect`` is triggered
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaAlterTableChangeColumn`` is triggered
OnSchemaAlterTableRenameColumn Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::postConnect`` is triggered
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaAlterTableRenameColumn`` is triggered
OnSchemaColumnDefinition Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::postConnect`` is triggered
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaColumnDefinition`` is triggered
OnSchemaIndexDefinition Event
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::postConnect`` is triggered
``Doctrine\DBAL\Events::onSchemaIndexDefinition`` is triggered
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