Commit b276574e authored by romanb's avatar romanb

[2.0][DDC-171] Added coverage.

parent 3a39bea9
......@@ -544,6 +544,40 @@ class BasicFunctionalTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\OrmFunctionalTestCase
$this->assertEquals("Lorem ipsum dolor sunt. And stuff!", $articleNew->text);
public function testFlushDoesNotIssueUnnecessaryUpdates()
$user = new CmsUser;
$user->name = 'Guilherme';
$user->username = 'gblanco';
$user->status = 'developer';
$address = new CmsAddress;
$address->country = 'Germany';
$address->city = 'Berlin';
$address->zip = '12345';
$address->user = $user;
$user->address = $address;
$query = $this->_em->createQuery('select u, a from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u join u.address a');
$user2 = $query->getSingleResult();
$oldLogger = $this->_em->getConnection()->getConfiguration()->getSqlLogger();
$debugStack = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack;
$this->assertEquals(0, count($debugStack->queries));
/*public function testPersistentCollectionContainsDoesNeverInitialize()
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