Commit b99d4413 authored by Jonathan.Wage's avatar Jonathan.Wage

Initial entry and fleshing out content.

parent a5619cc9
# default rules
url: /
param: { module: default, action: index }
param: { module: blog_posts, action: index }
url: /symfony/:action/*
is_secure: off
is_secure: on
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
class myUser extends sfBasicSecurityUser
class myUser extends sfGuardSecurityUser
......@@ -3,6 +3,14 @@ homepage:
url: /
param: { module: main, action: index }
url: /blog
param: { module: blog, action: index }
url: /blog/:slug
param: { module: blog, action: view }
url: /documentation/api/:q
param: { module: api_documentation, action: index }
This diff is collapsed.
class myUser extends sfBasicSecurityUser
class myUser extends sfGuardSecurityUser
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ class mainActions extends sfActions
public function executeIndex()
$blogPostTable = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getTable('BlogPost');
$this->latestBlogPosts = $blogPostTable->retrieveLatest(5);
public function executeAbout()
About coming soon...
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="content" id="about">
<h1>About Doctrine</h1>
<div id="what_is">
<h2>What is Doctrine?</h2>
<?php echo get_partial('main/about_paragraph'); ?>
<div id="who">
<h2>Who is behind Doctrine?</h2>
<div id="get_involved">
<h2>Want to get involved?</h2>
<?php slot('right'); ?>
<h3>Key Features</h3>
<?php echo get_partial('main/key_features_list'); ?>
<?php end_slot(); ?>
\ No newline at end of file
Download coming soon...
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="content" id="download">
<h1>Download Doctrine</h1>
<div id="package">
<h3>Latest Package</h3>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<div id="svn">
<p>svn co .</p>
\ No newline at end of file
Welcome to the Doctrine website.
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="content" id="homepage">
<h1>Doctrine - Open Source PHP 5 ORM</h1>
<p><?php echo get_partial('main/about_paragraph'); ?></p>
<div id="key_features">
<h3>Key Features</h3>
<?php echo get_partial('main/key_features_list'); ?>
<?php slot('right'); ?>
<div id="download_latest_release">
<h3>Download Latest Release</h3>
<li><a href="">Doctrine-1.0.0RC1.tgz</a></li>
<div id="latest_blog_posts">
<h3>Latest Blog Posts</h3>
<?php foreach($latestBlogPosts AS $blogPost): ?>
<li><?php echo link_to($blogPost->getName(), '@blog_post?slug='.$blogPost->getSlug()); ?></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php end_slot(); ?>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
<div id="right">
<?php if( has_slot('right') ): ?>
<?php if( has_slot('right') ): ?>
<div id="right">
<?php echo get_slot('right'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div id="content">
<?php echo $sf_data->getRaw('sf_content') ?>
......@@ -6,5 +6,10 @@
class BlogPost extends BaseBlogPost
public function filterSetName($name)
return $name;
......@@ -6,5 +6,23 @@
class BlogPostTable extends Doctrine_Table
public function retrieveLatest($num)
$query = new Doctrine_Query();
$query->from('BlogPost p');
$query->orderby('p.created_at DESC');
return $query->execute();
public function retrieveBySlug($slug)
$query = new Doctrine_Query();
$query->from('BlogPost p');
$query->where('p.slug = ?', $slug);
return $query->execute()->getFirst();
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
font-size: 12px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
#wrapper #header
......@@ -128,4 +126,57 @@ body
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
padding-top: 8px;
#right div
margin-bottom: 10px;
#right h1, #right h2, #right h3
border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.content h1
font-size: 18px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.content p
margin-bottom: 10px;
.content ul
list-style: square;
margin-left: 20px;
.content h1
font-size: 22px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.content h2
font-size: 16px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.content h3
font-size: 14px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.content div
margin-bottom: 10px;
\ No newline at end of file
/* Copyright Mihai Bazon, 2002, 2003 |
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The DHTML Calendar
* Details and latest version at:
* This script is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
* Read the entire license text here:
* This file defines helper functions for setting up the calendar. They are
* intended to help non-programmers get a working calendar on their site
* quickly. This script should not be seen as part of the calendar. It just
* shows you what one can do with the calendar, while in the same time
* providing a quick and simple method for setting it up. If you need
* exhaustive customization of the calendar creation process feel free to
* modify this code to suit your needs (this is recommended and much better
* than modifying calendar.js itself).
// $Id: calendar-setup.js 3016 2006-12-11 12:49:54Z chtito $
* This function "patches" an input field (or other element) to use a calendar
* widget for date selection.
* The "params" is a single object that can have the following properties:
* prop. name | description
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* inputField | the ID of an input field to store the date
* displayArea | the ID of a DIV or other element to show the date
* button | ID of a button or other element that will trigger the calendar
* eventName | event that will trigger the calendar, without the "on" prefix (default: "click")
* ifFormat | date format that will be stored in the input field
* daFormat | the date format that will be used to display the date in displayArea
* singleClick | (true/false) wether the calendar is in single click mode or not (default: true)
* firstDay | numeric: 0 to 6. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display Monday first, etc.
* align | alignment (default: "Br"); if you don't know what's this see the calendar documentation
* range | array with 2 elements. Default: [1900, 2999] -- the range of years available
* weekNumbers | (true/false) if it's true (default) the calendar will display week numbers
* flat | null or element ID; if not null the calendar will be a flat calendar having the parent with the given ID
* flatCallback | function that receives a JS Date object and returns an URL to point the browser to (for flat calendar)
* disableFunc | function that receives a JS Date object and should return true if that date has to be disabled in the calendar
* onSelect | function that gets called when a date is selected. You don't _have_ to supply this (the default is generally okay)
* onClose | function that gets called when the calendar is closed. [default]
* onUpdate | function that gets called after the date is updated in the input field. Receives a reference to the calendar.
* date | the date that the calendar will be initially displayed to
* showsTime | default: false; if true the calendar will include a time selector
* timeFormat | the time format; can be "12" or "24", default is "12"
* electric | if true (default) then given fields/date areas are updated for each move; otherwise they're updated only on close
* step | configures the step of the years in drop-down boxes; default: 2
* position | configures the calendar absolute position; default: null
* cache | if "true" (but default: "false") it will reuse the same calendar object, where possible
* showOthers | if "true" (but default: "false") it will show days from other months too
* None of them is required, they all have default values. However, if you
* pass none of "inputField", "displayArea" or "button" you'll get a warning
* saying "nothing to setup".
Calendar.setup = function (params) {
function param_default(pname, def) { if (typeof params[pname] == "undefined") { params[pname] = def; } };
param_default("inputField", null);
param_default("displayArea", null);
param_default("button", null);
param_default("eventName", "click");
param_default("ifFormat", "%Y/%m/%d");
param_default("daFormat", "%Y/%m/%d");
param_default("singleClick", true);
param_default("disableFunc", null);
param_default("dateStatusFunc", params["disableFunc"]); // takes precedence if both are defined
param_default("dateTooltipFunc", null);
param_default("dateText", null);
param_default("firstDay", null);
param_default("align", "Br");
param_default("range", [0000, 2999]);
param_default("weekNumbers", true);
param_default("flat", null);
param_default("flatCallback", null);
param_default("onSelect", null);
param_default("onClose", null);
param_default("onUpdate", null);
param_default("date", null);
param_default("showsTime", false);
param_default("timeFormat", "24");
param_default("electric", true);
param_default("step", 2);
param_default("position", null);
param_default("cache", false);
param_default("showOthers", false);
param_default("multiple", null);
var tmp = ["inputField", "displayArea", "button"];
for (var i in tmp) {
if (typeof params[tmp[i]] == "string") {
params[tmp[i]] = document.getElementById(params[tmp[i]]);
if (!(params.flat || params.multiple || params.inputField || params.displayArea || params.button)) {
alert("Calendar.setup:\n Nothing to setup (no fields found). Please check your code");
return false;
function onSelect(cal) {
var p = cal.params;
var update = (cal.dateClicked || p.electric);
if (update && p.inputField) {
p.inputField.value =;
if (typeof p.inputField.onchange == "function")
if (update && p.displayArea)
p.displayArea.innerHTML =;
if (update && typeof p.onUpdate == "function")
if (update && p.flat) {
if (typeof p.flatCallback == "function")
if (update && p.singleClick && cal.dateClicked)
if (params.flat != null) {
if (typeof params.flat == "string")
params.flat = document.getElementById(params.flat);
if (!params.flat) {
alert("Calendar.setup:\n Flat specified but can't find parent.");
return false;
var cal = new Calendar(params.firstDay,, params.onSelect || onSelect);
cal.showsOtherMonths = params.showOthers;
cal.showsTime = params.showsTime;
cal.time24 = (params.timeFormat == "24");
cal.params = params;
cal.weekNumbers = params.weekNumbers;
cal.setRange(params.range[0], params.range[1]);
cal.getDateText = params.dateText;
if (params.ifFormat) {
if (params.inputField && typeof params.inputField.value == "string") {
return false;
var triggerEl = params.button || params.displayArea || params.inputField;
triggerEl["on" + params.eventName] = function() {
var dateEl = params.inputField || params.displayArea;
var dateFmt = params.inputField ? params.ifFormat : params.daFormat;
var mustCreate = false;
var cal = window.calendar;
if (dateEl) = Date.parseDate(dateEl.value || dateEl.innerHTML, dateFmt);
if (!(cal && params.cache)) {
window.calendar = cal = new Calendar(params.firstDay,,
params.onSelect || onSelect,
params.onClose || function(cal) { cal.hide(); });
cal.showsTime = params.showsTime;
cal.time24 = (params.timeFormat == "24");
cal.weekNumbers = params.weekNumbers;
mustCreate = true;
} else {
if (
if (params.multiple) {
cal.multiple = {};
for (var i = params.multiple.length; --i >= 0;) {
var d = params.multiple[i];
var ds = d.print("%Y%m%d");
cal.multiple[ds] = d;
cal.showsOtherMonths = params.showOthers;
cal.yearStep = params.step;
cal.setRange(params.range[0], params.range[1]);
cal.params = params;
cal.getDateText = params.dateText;
if (mustCreate)
if (!params.position)
cal.showAtElement(params.button || params.displayArea || params.inputField, params.align);
cal.showAt(params.position[0], params.position[1]);
return false;
return cal;
/* The main calendar widget. DIV containing a table. */
.calendar {
position: relative;
display: none;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #fff #000 #000 #fff;
font-size: 11px;
cursor: default;
background: Window;
color: WindowText;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
z-index: 10;
.calendar table {
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #fff #000 #000 #fff;
font-size: 11px;
cursor: default;
background: Window;
color: WindowText;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */
.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight;
background: ButtonFace;
.calendar .nav {
background: ButtonFace url(menuarrow.gif) no-repeat 100% 100%;
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
font-weight: bold;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: ActiveCaption;
color: CaptionText;
text-align: center;
.calendar thead .headrow { /* Row <TR> containing navigation buttons */
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
border-bottom: 1px solid ButtonShadow;
padding: 2px;
text-align: center;
background: ButtonFace;
color: ButtonText;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
color: #f00;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
border: 2px solid;
padding: 0px;
border-color: ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
border-width: 1px;
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-color: ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow;
/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */
.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
width: 2em;
text-align: right;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
.calendar tbody .day.othermonth {
font-size: 80%;
color: #aaa;
.calendar tbody .day.othermonth.oweekend {
color: #faa;
.calendar table .wn {
padding: 2px 3px 2px 2px;
border-right: 1px solid ButtonShadow;
background: ButtonFace;
color: ButtonText;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td {
background: Highlight;
color: HighlightText;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.calendar tbody { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing selected date */
font-weight: bold;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow;
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
background: ButtonFace;
color: ButtonText;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
color: #f00;
.calendar tbody { /* Cell showing today date */
font-weight: bold;
color: #00f;
.calendar tbody td.disabled { color: GrayText; }
.calendar tbody .emptycell { /* Empty cells (the best is to hide them) */
visibility: hidden;
.calendar tbody .emptyrow { /* Empty row (some months need less than 6 rows) */
display: none;
/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */
.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
background: ButtonFace;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow;
color: ButtonText;
text-align: center;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 1px;
background: #e4e0d8;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */
.calendar .combo {
position: absolute;
display: none;
width: 4em;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
cursor: default;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight;
background: Menu;
color: MenuText;
font-size: 90%;
padding: 1px;
z-index: 100;
.calendar .combo .label,
.calendar .combo .label-IEfix {
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
.calendar .combo .label-IEfix {
width: 4em;
.calendar .combo .active {
padding: 0px;
border: 1px solid #000;
.calendar .combo .hilite {
background: Highlight;
color: HighlightText;
.calendar td.time {
border-top: 1px solid ButtonShadow;
padding: 1px 0px;
text-align: center;
background-color: ButtonFace;
.calendar td.time .hour,
.calendar td.time .minute,
.calendar td.time .ampm {
padding: 0px 3px 0px 4px;
border: 1px solid #889;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: Menu;
.calendar td.time .ampm {
text-align: center;
.calendar td.time .colon {
padding: 0px 2px 0px 3px;
font-weight: bold;
.calendar td.time span.hilite {
border-color: #000;
background-color: Highlight;
color: HighlightText;
.calendar td.time {
border-color: #f00;
background-color: #000;
color: #0f0;
This diff is collapsed.
// ** I18N Afrikaans
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Verander eerste dag van die week";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Vorige jaar (hou vir keuselys)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Vorige maand (hou vir keuselys)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Gaan na vandag";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Volgende maand (hou vir keuselys)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Volgende jaar (hou vir keuselys)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Kies datum";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Sleep om te skuif";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (vandag)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Vertoon Maandag eerste";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Display Sunday first";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Close";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Today";
// ** I18N
// Calendar BG language
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <>
// Translator: Valentin Sheiretsky, <>
// Encoding: utf8
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Информация за календара";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"For latest version visit:\n" +
"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See for details." +
"\n\n" +
"Date selection:\n" +
"- Use the \xab, \xbb buttons to select year\n" +
"- Use the " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " buttons to select month\n" +
"- Hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Time selection:\n" +
"- Click on any of the time parts to increase it\n" +
"- or Shift-click to decrease it\n" +
"- or click and drag for faster selection.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Предна година (задръжте за меню)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Преден месец (задръжте за меню)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Изберете днес";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Следващ месец (задръжте за меню)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Следваща година (задръжте за меню)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Изберете дата";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Преместване";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (днес)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "%s като първи ден";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Затворете";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Днес";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Click или drag за да промените стойността";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Y-%m-%d";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%A - %e %B %Y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "Седм";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Час:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar CA language
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <>
// Encoding: any
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Sobre el calendari";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Selector de Data/Hora\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"For latest version visit:\n" +
"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See for details." +
"\n\n" +
"Sel.lecció de Dates:\n" +
"- Fes servir els botons \xab, \xbb per sel.leccionar l'any\n" +
"- Fes servir els botons " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " per se.lecciconar el mes\n" +
"- Manté el ratolí apretat en qualsevol dels anteriors per sel.lecció ràpida.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Time selection:\n" +
"- claca en qualsevol de les parts de la hora per augmentar-les\n" +
"- o Shift-click per decrementar-la\n" +
"- or click and arrastra per sel.lecció ràpida.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Any anterior (Mantenir per menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mes anterior (Mantenir per menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Anar a avui";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Mes següent (Mantenir per menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Any següent (Mantenir per menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Sel.leccionar data";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Arrastrar per moure";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (avui)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Mostra %s primer";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Tanca";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Avui";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Click a arrastra per canviar el valor";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Y-%m-%d";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %b %e";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "st";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Hora:";
language: Czech
encoding: utf-8
author: Mishal (mishal AT mishal DOT cz)
(opraven formát dnů, měsíců + kosmetické změny :-))
Lubos Jerabek (
Jan Uhlir (
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array('neděle','pondělí','úterý','středa','čtvrtek','pátek','sobota','neděle');
Calendar._SDN = new Array('ne','po','út','st','čt','','so','ne');
Calendar._MN = new Array('leden','únor','březen','duben','květen','červen','červenec','srpen','září','říjen','listopad','prosinec');
Calendar._SMN = new Array('led','úno','bře','dub','kvě','črn','čvc','srp','zář','říj','lis','pro');
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 0;
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "O komponentě kalendář";
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Změna prvního dne v týdnu";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Předchozí rok (přidrž pro menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Předchozí měsíc (přidrž pro menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Dnešní datum";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Další měsíc (přidrž pro menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Další rok (přidrž pro menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Vyber datum";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Chyť a táhni, pro přesun";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (dnes)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Ukaž jako první Pondělí";
//Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Ukaž jako první Neděli";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Kalendář\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Autor: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"Aktuální verzi najdete na:\n" +
"Distribuováno pod licencí GNU LGPL. Viz." +
"\n\n" +
"Výběr datumu:\n" +
"- Použijte \xab, \xbb tlačítka k výběru roku\n" +
"- Použijte tlačítka " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " k výběru měsíce\n" +
"- Podržte tlačítko myši na jakémkoliv z těchto tlačítek pro rychlejší výběr.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Výběr času:\n" +
"- Klikněte na jakoukoliv z částí výběru času pro zvýšení.\n" +
"- nebo shift-click pro snížení\n" +
"- nebo klikněte a táhněte pro rychlejší výběr.";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Zobraz %s první";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Zavřít";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Dnes";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Klikni nebo táhni pro změnu hodnoty";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "d.m.yy";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %b %e";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "týden";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Čas:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar DA language
// Author: Michael Thingmand Henriksen, <michael (a) thingmand dot dk>
// Encoding: any
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Om Kalenderen";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"For den seneste version besøg:\n"; +
"Distribueret under GNU LGPL. Se for detajler." +
"\n\n" +
"Valg af dato:\n" +
"- Brug \xab, \xbb knapperne for at vælge år\n" +
"- Brug " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " knapperne for at vælge måned\n" +
"- Hold knappen på musen nede på knapperne ovenfor for hurtigere valg.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Valg af tid:\n" +
"- Klik på en vilkårlig del for større værdi\n" +
"- eller Shift-klik for for mindre værdi\n" +
"- eller klik og træk for hurtigere valg.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Ét år tilbage (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Én måned tilbage (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Gå til i dag";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Én måned frem (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Ét år frem (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Vælg dag";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Træk vinduet";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (i dag)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Vis %s først";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Luk";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "I dag";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)klik eller træk for at ændre værdi";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d-%m-%Y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %b %e";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "Uge";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Tid:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar EN language
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <>
// Encoding: any
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "\u00DCber dieses Kalendarmodul";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this ;-)
"For latest version visit:\n" +
"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See for details." +
"\n\n" +
"Datum ausw\u00e4hlen:\n" +
"- Benutzen Sie die \xab, \xbb Buttons um das Jahr zu w\u00e4hlen\n" +
"- Benutzen Sie die " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " Buttons um den Monat zu w\u00e4hlen\n" +
"- F\u00fcr eine Schnellauswahl halten Sie die Maustaste \u00fcber diesen Buttons fest.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Zeit ausw\u00e4hlen:\n" +
"- Klicken Sie auf die Teile der Uhrzeit, um diese zu erh\u00F6hen\n" +
"- oder klicken Sie mit festgehaltener Shift-Taste um diese zu verringern\n" +
"- oder klicken und festhalten f\u00fcr Schnellauswahl.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Voriges Jahr (Schnellauswahl: festhalten)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Voriger Monat (Schnellauswahl: festhalten)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Heute ausw\u00e4hlen";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "N\u00e4chst. Monat (Schnellauswahl: festhalten)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "N\u00e4chst. Jahr (Schnellauswahl: festhalten)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Datum ausw\u00e4hlen";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Zum Bewegen festhalten";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (Heute)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Woche beginnt mit %s ";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Schlie\u00dfen";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Heute";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Klick oder Festhalten und Ziehen um den Wert zu \u00e4ndern";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d.%m.%Y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %b %e";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Zeit:";
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
Calendar._MN = new Array
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Για το ημερολόγιο";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"Επιλογέας ημερομηνίας/ώρας σε DHTML\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"Για τελευταία έκδοση:\n" +
"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See for details." +
"\n\n" +
"Επιλογή ημερομηνίας:\n" +
"- Χρησιμοποιείστε τα κουμπιά \xab, \xbb για επιλογή έτους\n" +
"- Χρησιμοποιείστε τα κουμπιά " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " για επιλογή μήνα\n" +
"- Κρατήστε κουμπί ποντικού πατημένο στα παραπάνω κουμπιά για πιο γρήγορη επιλογή.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Επιλογή ώρας:\n" +
"- Κάντε κλικ σε ένα από τα μέρη της ώρας για αύξηση\n" +
"- ή Shift-κλικ για μείωση\n" +
"- ή κλικ και μετακίνηση για πιο γρήγορη επιλογή.";
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Μπάρα πρώτης ημέρας της εβδομάδας";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Προηγ. έτος (κρατήστε για το μενού)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Προηγ. μήνας (κρατήστε για το μενού)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Σήμερα";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Επόμενος μήνας (κρατήστε για το μενού)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Επόμενο έτος (κρατήστε για το μενού)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Επιλέξτε ημερομηνία";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Σύρτε για να μετακινήσετε";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Display %s first";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (σήμερα)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Εμφάνιση Δευτέρας πρώτα";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Εμφάνιση Κυριακής πρώτα";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Κλείσιμο";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Σήμερα";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)κλικ ή μετακίνηση για αλλαγή";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, d M";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "εβδ";
// ** I18N
// Calendar EN language
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <>
// Encoding: any
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 0;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "About the calendar";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"For latest version visit:\n" +
"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See for details." +
"\n\n" +
"Date selection:\n" +
"- Use the \xab, \xbb buttons to select year\n" +
"- Use the " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " buttons to select month\n" +
"- Hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Time selection:\n" +
"- Click on any of the time parts to increase it\n" +
"- or Shift-click to decrease it\n" +
"- or click and drag for faster selection.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Prev. year (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Prev. month (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Go Today";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Next month (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Next year (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Select date";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Drag to move";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (today)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Display %s first";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Close";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Today";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Click or drag to change value";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Y-%m-%d";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %b %e";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Time:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar ES (spanish) language
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <>
// Updater: Servilio Afre Puentes <>
// Updated: 2004-06-03
// Encoding: utf-8
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Acerca del calendario";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"Selector DHTML de Fecha/Hora\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"Para conseguir la última versión visite:\n" +
"Distribuido bajo licencia GNU LGPL. Visite para más detalles." +
"\n\n" +
"Selección de fecha:\n" +
"- Use los botones \xab, \xbb para seleccionar el año\n" +
"- Use los botones " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " para seleccionar el mes\n" +
"- Mantenga pulsado el ratón en cualquiera de estos botones para una selección rápida.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Selección de hora:\n" +
"- Pulse en cualquiera de las partes de la hora para incrementarla\n" +
"- o pulse las mayúsculas mientras hace clic para decrementarla\n" +
"- o haga clic y arrastre el ratón para una selección más rápida.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Año anterior (mantener para menú)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mes anterior (mantener para menú)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Ir a hoy";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Mes siguiente (mantener para menú)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Año siguiente (mantener para menú)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Seleccionar fecha";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Arrastrar para mover";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (hoy)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Hacer %s primer día de la semana";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Cerrar";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Hoy";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Mayúscula-)Clic o arrastre para cambiar valor";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d/%m/%Y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%A, %e de %B de %Y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "sem";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Hora:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar EU (basque) language
// Author: Xabier Bayon <>
// Updater: Xabier Bayon <>
// Updated: 2005-04-05
// Encoding: utf-8
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Egutegiari buruz";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"Data/ordua DHTML hautatzailea\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"Bertsio berriena eskuratzeko:\n" +
"GNU LGPL baimenpean banatua. orrira joan zehaztasun gehiagotarako." +
"\n\n" +
"Data nola aukeratu:\n" +
"- \xab, \xbb botoiak erabili urtea aukeratzeko\n" +
"- " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " botoiak erabili hilabetea aukeratzeko\n" +
"- Aukera azkar burutzeko saguaren botoia sakatuta mantendu.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Ordua nola aukeratu:\n" +
"- Orduan sakatu gehitzeko\n" +
"- Maiuskula sakatuta ordu kopurua gutxituko da\n" +
"- Saguaren botoia sakatu eta arrastatuz arinago burutuko da.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Aurreko urtea (Menurako mantendu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Aurreko hilabetea (Menurako mantendu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Gaurkora jo";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Hurrengo hilabetea (Menurako mantendu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Hurrengo urtea (Menurako mantendu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Data aukeratu";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Mugitzeko arrastatu";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (gaur)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "%s asteko lehenengo eguna bihurtu";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Itxi";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Gaur";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Mayúscula-)Clic o arrastre para cambiar valor";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Y/%m/%d";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Yko %Bren %e, %A";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "ast";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Ordua:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar FI language (Finnish, Suomi)
// Author: Jarno Käyhkö, <>
// Encoding: UTF-8
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Tietoja kalenterista";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"Uusin versio osoitteessa:\n" +
"Julkaistu GNU LGPL lisenssin alaisuudessa. Lisätietoja osoitteessa" +
"\n\n" +
"Päivämäärä valinta:\n" +
"- Käytä \xab, \xbb painikkeita valitaksesi vuosi\n" +
"- Käytä " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " painikkeita valitaksesi kuukausi\n" +
"- Pitämällä hiiren painiketta minkä tahansa yllä olevan painikkeen kohdalla, saat näkyviin valikon nopeampaan siirtymiseen.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Ajan valinta:\n" +
"- Klikkaa kellonajan numeroita lisätäksesi aikaa\n" +
"- tai pitämällä Shift-näppäintä pohjassa saat aikaa taaksepäin\n" +
"- tai klikkaa ja pidä hiiren painike pohjassa sekä liikuta hiirtä muuttaaksesi aikaa nopeasti eteen- ja taaksepäin.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Edell. vuosi (paina hetki, näet valikon)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Edell. kuukausi (paina hetki, näet valikon)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Siirry tähän päivään";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Seur. kuukausi (paina hetki, näet valikon)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Seur. vuosi (paina hetki, näet valikon)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Valitse päivämäärä";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Siirrä kalenterin paikkaa";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (tänään)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Näytä maanantai ensimmäisenä";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Näytä sunnuntai ensimmäisenä";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Display %s first";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Sulje";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Tänään";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-) Klikkaa tai liikuta muuttaaksesi aikaa";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d.%m.%Y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d.%m.%Y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "Vko";
// ** I18N
// Calendar EN language
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <>
// Encoding: UTF-8
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// Translator: André Liechti, <> (2006-01-04) from scratch for version 1.x
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "À propos du calendrier";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"Sélecteur DHTML de date/heure\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"Pour la version actuelle, visitez:\n" +
"Distribué sous licence GNU LGPL. Voir pour les détails." + "\n(licence traduite en français:" +
"\n\n" +
"Sélection de la date:\n" +
"- Utiliser les boutons \xab, \xbb pour sélectionner l'année\n" +
"- Utiliser les boutons " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " pour sélectionner le mois\n" +
"- En conservant pressé le bouton de la souris sur l'un de ces boutons, la sélection devient plus rapide.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Sélection de l\'heure:\n" +
"- Cliquer sur l'une des parties du temps pour l'augmenter\n" +
"- ou Maj-clic pour le diminuer\n" +
"- ou faire un cliquer-déplacer horizontal pour une modification plus rapide.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Année préc. (maintenir pour afficher menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mois préc. (maintenir pour afficher menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Atteindre la date du jour";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Mois suiv. (maintenir pour afficher menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Année suiv. (maintenir pour afficher menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Sélectionner une date";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Glisser pour déplacer";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (aujourd'hui)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Afficher %s en premier";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Fermer";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Aujourd'hui";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Maj-)Clic ou glisser pour changer la valeur";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d.%m.%Y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%A, %e %B";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "sem.";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Heure:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar EN language
// Author: Idan Sofer, <>
// Encoding: UTF-8
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "אודות השנתון";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"בחרן תאריך/שעה DHTML\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"הגירסא האחרונה זמינה ב:\n" +
"מופץ תחת זיכיון ה GNU LGPL. עיין ב לפרטים נוספים." +
"\n\n" +
בחירת תאריך:\n" +
"- השתמש בכפתורים \xab, \xbb לבחירת שנה\n" +
"- השתמש בכפתורים " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " לבחירת חודש\n" +
"- החזק העכבר לחוץ מעל הכפתורים המוזכרים לעיל לבחירה מהירה יותר.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"בחירת זמן:\n" +
"- לחץ על כל אחד מחלקי הזמן כדי להוסיף\n" +
"- או shift בשילוב עם לחיצה כדי להחסיר\n" +
"- או לחץ וגרור לפעולה מהירה יותר.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "שנה קודמת - החזק לקבלת תפריט";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "חודש קודם - החזק לקבלת תפריט";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "עבור להיום";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "חודש הבא - החזק לתפריט";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "שנה הבאה - החזק לתפריט";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "בחר תאריך";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "גרור להזזה";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " )היום(";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "הצג %s קודם";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "סגור";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "היום";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(שיפט-)לחץ וגרור כדי לשנות ערך";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Y-%m-%d";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %b %e";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "שעה::";
/* Croatian language file for the DHTML Calendar version 0.9.2
* Author Krunoslav Zubrinic <>, June 2003.
* Feel free to use this script under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License, as long as you do not remove or alter this notice.
Calendar._DN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Promjeni dan s kojim počinje tjedan";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Prethodna godina (dugi pritisak za meni)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Prethodni mjesec (dugi pritisak za meni)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Idi na tekući dan";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Slijedeći mjesec (dugi pritisak za meni)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Slijedeća godina (dugi pritisak za meni)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Izaberite datum";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Pritisni i povuci za promjenu pozicije";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (today)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Prikaži ponedjeljak kao prvi dan";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Prikaži nedjelju kao prvi dan";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Display %s first";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Zatvori";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Danas";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "DD,";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "Tje";
\ No newline at end of file
// ** I18N
// Calendar HU language
// Author: ???
// Modifier: KARASZI Istvan, <>
// Encoding: utf8
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "A kalendáriumról";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML dátum/idő kiválasztó\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"a legfrissebb verzió megtalálható:\n" +
"GNU LGPL alatt terjesztve. Lásd a oldalt a részletekhez." +
"\n\n" +
"Dátum választás:\n" +
"- használja a \xab, \xbb gombokat az év kiválasztásához\n" +
"- használja a " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " gombokat a hónap kiválasztásához\n" +
"- tartsa lenyomva az egérgombot a gyors választáshoz.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Idő választás:\n" +
"- kattintva növelheti az időt\n" +
"- shift-tel kattintva csökkentheti\n" +
"- lenyomva tartva és húzva gyorsabban kiválaszthatja.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Előző év (tartsa nyomva a menühöz)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Előző hónap (tartsa nyomva a menühöz)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Mai napra ugrás";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Köv. hónap (tartsa nyomva a menühöz)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Köv. év (tartsa nyomva a menühöz)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Válasszon dátumot";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Húzza a mozgatáshoz";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (ma)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "%s legyen a hét első napja";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Bezár";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Ma";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Klikk vagy húzás az érték változtatásához";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Y-%m-%d";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%b %e, %a";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "hét";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "idő:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar EN language
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <>
// Translator: Fabio Di Bernardini, <>
// Encoding: any
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Informazioni sul calendario";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"Per gli aggiornamenti:\n" +
"Distribuito sotto licenza GNU LGPL. Vedi per i dettagli." +
"\n\n" +
"Selezione data:\n" +
"- Usa \xab, \xbb per selezionare l'anno\n" +
"- Usa " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " per i mesi\n" +
"- Tieni premuto a lungo il mouse per accedere alle funzioni di selezione veloce.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Selezione orario:\n" +
"- Clicca sul numero per incrementarlo\n" +
"- o Shift+click per decrementarlo\n" +
"- o click e sinistra o destra per variarlo.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Anno prec.(clicca a lungo per il menù)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mese prec. (clicca a lungo per il menù)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Oggi";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Pross. mese (clicca a lungo per il menù)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Pross. anno (clicca a lungo per il menù)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Seleziona data";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Trascina per spostarlo";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (oggi)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Mostra prima %s";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Chiudi";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Oggi";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Click o trascina per cambiare il valore";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d-%m-%Y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a:%b:%e";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "set";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Ora:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar JA language
// Author: AKIMOTO, Hiroki, <akimoto aaaa---t>
// Encoding: UTF-8
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// FYI: Locale identifiers for Japanese/Japan are a bit confusing. Use 'ja'.
// 'ja' Japanese, Language Code
// 'JP' Japan, Country Code
// So, 'ja-JP' locale means Japanese in Japan, however, there are no other
// countries Japanese primarily used so usually '-JP' is omittable.
// Not a small amount of internationalized software use 'jp' in mistake,
// but as you see now that the locale name 'ja' is the right one.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 0;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "このカレンダーについて";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"最新版の情報:\n" +
"GNU LGPL で配布されています。 詳細は をご覧ください。" +
"\n\n" +
"日付の選択:\n" +
"- ボタン \xab, \xbb で年を選択します\n" +
"- ボタン " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " で月を選択します\n" +
"- 上記ボタンでマウスを押したままにすると、より大きな移動ができます";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Time selection:\n" +
"- Click on any of the time parts to increase it\n" +
"- or Shift-click to decrease it\n" +
"- or click and drag for faster selection.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "前年";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "前月";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "今日";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "翌月";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "翌年";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "日付選択";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "ウィンドウの移動";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (今日)";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "%s曜日を週の先頭に";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "閉じる";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "今日";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Click or drag to change value";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Y-%m-%d";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%m月 %d日 (%a)";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Time:";
// ** I18N
// Calendar EN language
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <>
// Translation: Yourim Yi <>
// Encoding: EUC-KR
// lang : ko
// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
// this feature.
// short day names
Calendar._SDN = new Array
// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
// Monday first, etc.
Calendar._FD = 1;
// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array
// short month names
Calendar._SMN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "calendar 에 대해서";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
"최신 버전을 받으시려면 에 방문하세요\n" +
"GNU LGPL 라이센스로 배포됩니다. \n"+
"라이센스에 대한 자세한 내용은 을 읽으세요." +
"\n\n" +
"날짜 선택:\n" +
"- 연도를 선택하려면 \xab, \xbb 버튼을 사용합니다\n" +
"- 달을 선택하려면 " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " 버튼을 누르세요\n" +
"- 계속 누르고 있으면 위 값들을 빠르게 선택하실 수 있습니다.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"시간 선택:\n" +
"- 마우스로 누르면 시간이 증가합니다\n" +
"- Shift 키와 함께 누르면 감소합니다\n" +
"- 누른 상태에서 마우스를 움직이면 좀 더 빠르게 값이 변합니다.\n";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "지난 해 (길게 누르면 목록)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "지난 달 (길게 누르면 목록)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "오늘 날짜로";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "다음 달 (길게 누르면 목록)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "다음 해 (길게 누르면 목록)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "날짜를 선택하세요";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "마우스 드래그로 이동 하세요";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (오늘)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "월요일을 한 주의 시작 요일로";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "일요일을 한 주의 시작 요일로";
// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
// %s will be replaced with the day name.
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Display %s first";
// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
// means Monday, etc.
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "닫기";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "오늘";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)클릭 또는 드래그 하세요";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%Y-%m-%d";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%b/%e [%a]";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "";
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._SDN_len = 2;
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Info";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Datum/Tijd Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" +
"Ga voor de meest recente versie naar:\n" +
"Verspreid onder de GNU LGPL. Zie voor details." +
"\n\n" +
"Datum selectie:\n" +
"- Gebruik de \xab \xbb knoppen om een jaar te selecteren\n" +
"- Gebruik de " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " knoppen om een maand te selecteren\n" +
"- Houd de muis ingedrukt op de genoemde knoppen voor een snellere selectie.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Tijd selectie:\n" +
"- Klik op een willekeurig onderdeel van het tijd gedeelte om het te verhogen\n" +
"- of Shift-klik om het te verlagen\n" +
"- of klik en sleep voor een snellere selectie.";
//Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Selecteer de eerste week-dag";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Vorig jaar (ingedrukt voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Vorige maand (ingedrukt voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Ga naar Vandaag";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Volgende maand (ingedrukt voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Volgend jaar (ingedrukt voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Selecteer datum";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Klik en sleep om te verplaatsen";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (vandaag)";
//Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Toon Maandag eerst";
//Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Toon Zondag eerst";
Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "Toon %s eerst";
Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Sluiten";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "(vandaag)";
Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)Klik of sleep om de waarde te veranderen";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d-%m-%Y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %e %b %Y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Tijd:";
Calendar._SMN_len = 3;
Calendar._FD = 0;
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