Commit cc0dfa85 authored by Martin Hasoň's avatar Martin Hasoň

Enabled placeholders for "in" method in ExpressionBuilder

parent 7175964c
......@@ -275,27 +275,27 @@ class ExpressionBuilder
* Creates a IN () comparison expression with the given arguments.
* @param string $x The field in string format to be inspected by IN() comparison.
* @param array $y The array of values to be used by IN() comparison.
* @param string $x The field in string format to be inspected by IN() comparison.
* @param string|array $y The placeholder or the array of values to be used by IN() comparison.
* @return string
public function in($x, array $y)
public function in($x, $y)
return $this->comparison($x, 'IN', '('.implode(', ', $y).')');
return $this->comparison($x, 'IN', '('.implode(', ', (array) $y).')');
* Creates a NOT IN () comparison expression with the given arguments.
* @param string $x The field in string format to be inspected by NOT IN() comparison.
* @param array $y The array of values to be used by NOT IN() comparison.
* @param string $x The field in string format to be inspected by NOT IN() comparison.
* @param string|array $y The placeholder or the array of values to be used by NOT IN() comparison.
* @return string
public function notIn($x, array $y)
public function notIn($x, $y)
return $this->comparison($x, 'NOT IN', '('.implode(', ', $y).')');
return $this->comparison($x, 'NOT IN', '('.implode(', ', (array) $y).')');
......@@ -204,8 +204,18 @@ class ExpressionBuilderTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\DbalTestCase
$this->assertEquals('u.groups IN (1, 3, 4, 7)', $this->expr->in('u.groups', array(1,3,4,7)));
public function testInWithPlaceholder()
$this->assertEquals('u.groups IN (?)', $this->expr->in('u.groups', '?'));
public function testNotIn()
$this->assertEquals('u.groups NOT IN (1, 3, 4, 7)', $this->expr->notIn('u.groups', array(1,3,4,7)));
\ No newline at end of file
public function testNotInWithPlaceholder()
$this->assertEquals('u.groups NOT IN (:values)', $this->expr->notIn('u.groups', ':values'));
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