Refactored MySQLiStatement::$columnNames

The `$columnNames` property has a too complex type `string[]|false|null` which leads to:

1. Non-trivial to understand conditions and assertions like `if ($columnNames === false)`, `if ($columnNames === true)` and `assert(is_array($columnNames))`.
2. Avoidable [false-positives]( on Scrutinizer that thinks that `$columnNames` can be TRUE.
parent cc386883
......@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ use Doctrine\DBAL\ParameterType;
use IteratorAggregate;
use mysqli;
use mysqli_stmt;
use stdClass;
use function array_combine;
use function array_fill;
use function array_key_exists;
use function array_map;
use function assert;
use function count;
use function feof;
......@@ -50,8 +52,28 @@ final class MysqliStatement implements IteratorAggregate, Statement
/** @var mysqli_stmt */
private $stmt;
/** @var string[]|false|null */
private $columnNames;
* Whether the statement result metadata has been fetched.
* @var bool
private $metadataFetched = false;
* Whether the statement result has columns. The property should be used only after the result metadata
* has been fetched ({@see $metadataFetched}). Otherwise, the property value is undetermined.
* @var bool
private $hasColumns = false;
* Mapping of statement result column indexes to their names. The property should be used only
* if the statement result has columns ({@see $hasColumns}). Otherwise, the property value is undetermined.
* @var array<int,string>
private $columnNames = [];
/** @var mixed[] */
private $rowBoundValues = [];
......@@ -151,26 +173,27 @@ final class MysqliStatement implements IteratorAggregate, Statement
throw StatementError::new($this->stmt);
if ($this->columnNames === null) {
if (! $this->metadataFetched) {
$meta = $this->stmt->result_metadata();
if ($meta !== false) {
$this->hasColumns = true;
$fields = $meta->fetch_fields();
$columnNames = [];
foreach ($fields as $col) {
$columnNames[] = $col->name;
$this->columnNames = array_map(static function (stdClass $field) : string {
return $field->name;
}, $fields);
$this->columnNames = $columnNames;
} else {
$this->columnNames = false;
$this->hasColumns = false;
$this->metadataFetched = true;
if ($this->columnNames !== false) {
if ($this->hasColumns) {
// Store result of every execution which has it. Otherwise it will be impossible
// to execute a new statement in case if the previous one has non-fetched rows
// @link
......@@ -331,7 +354,6 @@ final class MysqliStatement implements IteratorAggregate, Statement
return $values;
$assoc = array_combine($this->columnNames, $values);
......@@ -404,11 +426,11 @@ final class MysqliStatement implements IteratorAggregate, Statement
public function rowCount() : int
if ($this->columnNames === false) {
return $this->stmt->affected_rows;
if ($this->hasColumns) {
return $this->stmt->num_rows;
return $this->stmt->num_rows;
return $this->stmt->affected_rows;
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