Commit f43bebc7 authored by Steve Müller's avatar Steve Müller

add upgrade instructions due to automatic platform version detection

parent 180ea45c
# Upgrade to 2.5
## BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\Connection
The visibility of the property ``$_platform`` in ``Doctrine\DBAL\Connection``
was changed from protected to private. If you have subclassed ``Doctrine\DBAL\Connection``
in your application and accessed ``$_platform`` directly, you have to change the code
portions to use ``getDatabasePlatform()`` instead to retrieve the underlying database
The reason for this change is the new automatic platform version detection feature,
which lazily evaluates the appropriate platform class to use for the underlying database
server version at runtime.
Please also note, that calling ``getDatabasePlatform()`` now needs to establish a connection
in order to evaluate the appropriate platform class if ``Doctrine\DBAL\Connection`` is not
already connected. Under the following circumstances, it is not possible anymore to retrieve
the platform instance from the connection object without having to do a real connect:
1. ``Doctrine\DBAL\Connection`` was instantiated without the ``platform`` connection parameter.
2. ``Doctrine\DBAL\Connection`` was instantiated without the ``serverVersion`` connection parameter.
3. The underlying driver is "version aware" and can provide different platform instances
for different versions.
4. The underlying driver connection is "version aware" and can provide the database server
version without having to query for it.
If one of the above conditions is NOT met, there is no need for ``Doctrine\DBAL\Connection``
to do a connect when calling ``getDatabasePlatform()``.
## datetime Type uses date_create() as fallback
Before 2.5 the DateTime type always required a specific format, defined in
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