- 04 Aug, 2014 2 commits
Marco Pivetta authored
Add close() method in MasterSlaveConnection.php
Chuck authored
- 29 Jul, 2014 3 commits
Marco Pivetta authored
Marco Pivetta authored
Sergey Zhuravel authored
- 27 Jul, 2014 2 commits
Marco Pivetta authored
Remove duplicate suggest section in composer.json
jeroendedauw authored
- 23 Jul, 2014 2 commits
Sergey Zhuravel authored
Sergey Zhuravel authored
- 22 Jul, 2014 1 commit
Sergey Zhuravel authored
- 08 Feb, 2014 5 commits
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Bart Visscher authored
Bart Visscher authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Steve Müller authored
- 05 Jan, 2014 2 commits
Benjamin Eberlei authored
José Gabriel González Pérez authored
If you have a role "postgres" in PostgreSQL that is described like this: ``` -- Role: postgres CREATE ROLE postgres LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'md53175bce1d3201d16594cebf9d7eb3f9d' SUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEDB CREATEROLE REPLICATION; ALTER ROLE postgres IN DATABASE sf_test SET search_path = "$user", public, access, geographic, rrhh; ``` At the time when I execute the statement (Part of $schema value in the line 348): ``` SELECT string_to_array((select replace(replace(setting,"$user",user),' ','') from pg_catalog.pg_settings where name = 'search_path'),',') ``` I fetch this result: ``` {public," access"," geographic"," rrhh"} ``` Look the space character that is on the start of each string.This error does not match any namespace to which the role has access. This is critical when you have PostgreSQL database and you work with schemas.
- 03 Jan, 2014 4 commits
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Steve Müller authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Steve Müller authored
- 01 Jan, 2014 2 commits
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 31 Dec, 2013 8 commits
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Steve Müller authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Bart Visscher authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Andreas Fischer authored
This prevents ORA-00904: "HERE_BE_COLUMN_NAME": invalid identifier.
- 29 Dec, 2013 8 commits
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Steve Müller authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Steve Müller authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Steve Müller authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Steve Müller authored
- 22 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored