- 11 Feb, 2010 3 commits
beberlei authored
[2.0] Added DQL Functions and Aggregate Functional Test-Case and fixed two small bugs in DQL Parser that came to light, also it seems that some of the functions are not supported by Oracle and Sqlite and some cases of SUBSTRING and TRIM produce bugs on MySQL.
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-313 - Removed abstracted trigger support, list functions, list users and the platform specific code to generate the queries for this stuff.
- 10 Feb, 2010 7 commits
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-312 - Refactored View support of all platforms a little - Oracle now also supports the retrieval of the sql used to generate a view so that a common datastructure View is a viable option.
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-302 - Drop convenience methods since their API is somewhat strange, have to think about something else. Dropped AbstractSchemaManager::listTableConstraints() support - since it only returns the names of all constraints, which are already returned much more nicely with listTableIndexes().
romanb authored
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-125 - Query Hints are now included in both QueryCache and ResultCache - QueryCache now also uses firstResult and maxResults for the cache key - ResultCache was fixed to use "getSql()" instead of "getDql()"
romanb authored
[2.0][DDC-79][DDC-261] Fixed. Also fixed support for deleting objects by reference (getReference() + remove() + flush()) to effectively delete objects without loading them.
guilhermeblanco authored
- 09 Feb, 2010 2 commits
- 07 Feb, 2010 4 commits
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-163 - Missing DQL Alias prefix for many-to-many table in SqlWalker lead to duplicate prefix generation in SQL statement when a many-to-many join table is used more than once.
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-214, DDC-303, DDC-304 - Fix several errors with Schema Inference from Database and Metadata and Comparisons, aswell as related bugs in DatabaseDriver. DDC-305 - Abstracted TRUNCATE command for all platforms.
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
- 06 Feb, 2010 2 commits
- 04 Feb, 2010 3 commits
- 02 Feb, 2010 2 commits
- 01 Feb, 2010 3 commits
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-271 - Add columnDefinition for Join-Column in Annotation, XML and YAML driver, updated SchemaTool to use Join Column definition instead of using the column's columnDefinition if specified. Refactored MappingDriverTest to allow for feature specific test-cases instead of one large assertion block. Fixed typos in XmlDriver - Updated doctrine-mapping.xsd Schema File
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
- 31 Jan, 2010 3 commits
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-294 - Added "postConnect" event in Doctrine\DBAL\Connection and refactored TestUtil to allow configuration of DBAL EventManager Subscribers by the use of PHPunit Xml configuration.
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-289 / DDC-264 - Added a Model and TestCase for OneToMany Unidirectional Assocations using a JoinTable and tested its defining feature (uniqueness).
- 30 Jan, 2010 1 commit
beberlei authored
DDC-282 - Additional assertions to show that use of (bool) for cascade in xml driver is working correctly
- 29 Jan, 2010 3 commits
romanb authored
romanb authored
hobodave authored
[2.0][DC-460] Refactored cache bulk deletion methods to use driver specific features to retrieve list of keys. Also, refactored tests so that all methods are tested for all drivers. Removed: - Doctrine\Common\Cache\AbstractCache::count() - Doctrine\Common\Cache\AbstractCache::deleteAll() API Changes: - Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::getResultCacheId() now public Bugs fixed: - Doctrine\Common\Cache\AbstractCache::deleteByPrefix() was deleting _every_ key in cache
- 28 Jan, 2010 2 commits
guilhermeblanco authored
guilhermeblanco authored
- 27 Jan, 2010 2 commits
- 26 Jan, 2010 1 commit
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-277 - Remove support "default" option in metadata mappings, but keep it as a concept in DBAL layer to support for example versionable entities.
- 23 Jan, 2010 2 commits