- 03 Nov, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 28 Oct, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 20 Oct, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
[2.0] Fix for fix for testsuite ;). Need to find out why the behavior is different. sqlite versions? phpunit versions?
- 19 Oct, 2009 1 commit
guilhermeblanco authored
[2.0] Fix for test suite. It was trying to recreate association tables and they're not getting deleted. SchemaTool was trying to recreate them during some executions.
- 14 Oct, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
[2.0] DBAL cleanups (DDC-46). Proxy class improvements (DDC-19, DDC-39). Started new UPGRADE_TO document for upgrade instructions between advancing Doctrine 2 versions.
- 06 Oct, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 15 Sep, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 13 Aug, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
[2.0] Fixed several referential integrity issues. Fixed critical issue with inserts being run twice on postgresql/oracle. Added support for additional tree walkers that modify the AST prior to SQL construction and started to play with it in a testcase.
- 10 Aug, 2009 1 commit
guilhermeblanco authored
[2.0] More docblocks. Renamed methods Type::addCustomType to Type::addType and Connection::exec to Connection::executeUpdate. Added Type::hasType.
- 18 Jul, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
[2.0] Moved locking tests into Functional namespace. Fixed several missing flush() calls in some functional association tests. Reordered DELETE statements for ecommerce model tests in OrmFunctionalTestCase in order to maintain referential integrity. Fixed issue with bi-directional self-referencing one-one associations. Some other small improvements and cosmetics. Small hydration performance improvement through inlining method call in UnitOfWork::createEntity().
- 06 Jul, 2009 2 commits
romanb authored
[2.0] Moved cache drivers to Common package. Added new annotation parser implementation to Common package. AnnotationDriver in ORM not yet migrated.
piccoloprincipe authored
- 02 Jul, 2009 3 commits
piccoloprincipe authored
romanb authored
piccoloprincipe authored
- 01 Jul, 2009 3 commits
piccoloprincipe authored
piccoloprincipe authored
piccoloprincipe authored
- 20 Jun, 2009 1 commit
jwage authored
- 14 Jun, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 30 May, 2009 4 commits
- 21 May, 2009 2 commits
- 09 Apr, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
[2.0] Refactored SQL query building process and hydration. Hydration should now support result sets with any number of root components. Introducing ResultSetMapping that is used by hydration instead of queryComponents. This allows mapping of arbitrary SQL queries (NativeQuery).
- 30 Mar, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 28 Mar, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 17 Feb, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 04 Feb, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
[2.0] Refactored cache drivers. Made use of ArrayCache as the metadata cache during a test suite run.
- 02 Feb, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 22 Jan, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 12 Jan, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
First tests for basic collection implementation. First experimental use of closures (Currently commented out, because the svn server makes a syntax check against 5.2.x).
- 07 Jan, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 04 Jan, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 18 Dec, 2008 1 commit
romanb authored
- 24 May, 2008 1 commit
romanb authored