- 24 Mar, 2010 1 commit
guilhermeblanco authored
- 19 Mar, 2010 1 commit
jwage authored
[2.0] Refactoring code for reading multiple sources of mapping information from ClassMetadataExporter to a new ClassMetadataReader tool so it can be used to read mapping information easily from multiple different sources. This is used for generating repositories, converting mapping information, generating entity stubs, etc. Generally though, it is useful to be able to read the information for some mapping files into an array of ClassMetadataInfo instances without it being bound to the ORM and the metadata referenced by the EntityManager ClassMetadataFactory
- 18 Mar, 2010 4 commits
jwage authored
[2.0] Renaming orm:generate-entity-stubs to orm:generate-entities to be consistent and fixed a few bugs
jwage authored
[2.0][DDC-359] Adding some tests for CliController and fixing bug with empty option value .i.e "--option="
jwage authored
[2.0] Refactoring AnnotationExporter code to a EntityGenerator tool which is used now in orm:convert-mapping to generate annotated entities and also used in orm:generate-entity-stubs for generating entity classes and properties/method stubs from mapping information
guilhermeblanco authored
- 17 Mar, 2010 2 commits
jwage authored
[2.0] Extracting Doctrine 1 schema conversion from orm:convert-mapping task to a orm:convert-d1-schema task
guilhermeblanco authored
[2.0][DDC-426] Fixed issue with CliController that never notifies if run() executed successfully or not.
- 24 Feb, 2010 1 commit
guilhermeblanco authored
[2.0][DDC-364] Added Doctrine\Common\Version which provides the current version of Doctrine. Also added CLI tasks for Common and DBAL, since they may vary in the future.
- 23 Jan, 2010 1 commit
beberlei authored
- 06 Jan, 2010 2 commits
guilhermeblanco authored
guilhermeblanco authored
- 22 Dec, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 21 Dec, 2009 1 commit
guilhermeblanco authored
[2.0] Incorporated CLI refactorings. Added support to namespaces and unlimited depth namespaces. Dropped globalArguments for now, since they interfer in DAG implementation.