- 05 Jan, 2014 1 commit
José Gabriel González Pérez authored
If you have a role "postgres" in PostgreSQL that is described like this: ``` -- Role: postgres CREATE ROLE postgres LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'md53175bce1d3201d16594cebf9d7eb3f9d' SUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEDB CREATEROLE REPLICATION; ALTER ROLE postgres IN DATABASE sf_test SET search_path = "$user", public, access, geographic, rrhh; ``` At the time when I execute the statement (Part of $schema value in the line 348): ``` SELECT string_to_array((select replace(replace(setting,"$user",user),' ','') from pg_catalog.pg_settings where name = 'search_path'),',') ``` I fetch this result: ``` {public," access"," geographic"," rrhh"} ``` Look the space character that is on the start of each string.This error does not match any namespace to which the role has access. This is critical when you have PostgreSQL database and you work with schemas.
- 29 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Steve Müller authored
- 01 May, 2013 3 commits
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Matthias Lohr authored
Matthias Lohr authored
- 20 Apr, 2013 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 14 Apr, 2013 1 commit
Adrien Crivelli authored
DBAL-54 was fixed in commit 3d55dc8e by changing SQL queries order. However it was later reintroduced. This patch uses a different, more future-proof way, approach by using DROP SEQUENCE ... CASCADE syntax, and thus does not depend on queries order.
- 14 Mar, 2013 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 20 Jan, 2013 1 commit
Norbert Orzechowicz authored
- 25 Nov, 2012 2 commits
David Desberg authored
David Desberg authored
- 13 Nov, 2012 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
[DBAL-374] Fix issue with column quoting in primary keys, fixing this in indexes in general is much more complex as the code is messy.
- 12 Nov, 2012 2 commits
Craig Mason authored
Craig Mason authored
This will only happen when adding primary keys via ALTER TABLE
- 16 Oct, 2012 1 commit
Guilherme Blanco authored
- 06 Oct, 2012 1 commit
Miha Vrhovnik authored
- 05 Oct, 2012 1 commit
Daniel Anderson Tiecher authored
- 17 Sep, 2012 1 commit
VladanStef authored
Default table collation changed to `utf8_unicode_ci`, as it handles properly a much wider array of characters (Cyrillic, for example) at a generally negligible cost of performance.
- 05 Sep, 2012 1 commit
Christophe Coevoet authored
- 29 Aug, 2012 1 commit
Guilherme Blanco authored
- 14 Aug, 2012 2 commits
Christophe Coevoet authored
Christophe Coevoet authored
- 29 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 16 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 08 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 05 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 27 Jun, 2012 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 26 Jun, 2012 2 commits
Benjamin Eberlei authored
Benjamin Eberlei authored
[DBAL-178] Fixed an undescriptive error message and a problem when using custom types and their reverse engineering from the database. Allows Type#getMappedDatabaseTypes() to be implemented in custom types, mapping to vendor database types during reverse engineering.
- 07 Jun, 2012 4 commits
Yuan Xie authored
Darren Trethewey authored
Darren Trethewey authored
Fix the repeat calling of getReservedKeywordsClass() that causes a considerable slow down when running lots of migrations.
Darren Trethewey authored
SQL Server doesn't like the quoted alias for doctrine_rownum and fails when setting setMaxResults() and setFirstResult() in query, returning an error like "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'doctrine_rownum' to data type int. (severity 16)"
- 06 Jun, 2012 1 commit
Fabio B. Silva authored
- 27 May, 2012 2 commits
Johannes authored
Johannes M. Schmitt authored
- 25 May, 2012 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 22 May, 2012 1 commit
Benjamin Eberlei authored
- 18 May, 2012 1 commit
Alexander Miehe authored
- 05 May, 2012 1 commit
rivaros authored