- 26 Sep, 2006 7 commits
- 25 Sep, 2006 7 commits
- 24 Sep, 2006 14 commits
- 23 Sep, 2006 5 commits
zYne authored
Ticket: 108
romanb authored
- Added a small cli script to run the compiler from the command line. The script requires the Doctrine base directory (the directory where Doctrine.php and the Doctrine folder is in) and the target file as its parameters. Example: ./dev/Doctrine/ ./dev/myproject/BundledClasses.php
Tanken authored
zYne authored
jhassine authored
Added some Subversion properties in order to integrate version control with the issue tracking system. Some sophisticated SVN clients e.g. TortoiseSVN or Subclipse will show issue ID's and make link to the issue tracking URL in the log messages and ask for a ticket number when commiting. A ticket number is now asked which can be ignored.
- 22 Sep, 2006 7 commits
zYne authored
zYne authored
zYne authored
zYne authored
zYne authored
zYne authored
romanb authored
- Lazy connections possible through Doctrine_Manager::addDSN($dsn, $connectionName). Connections will then be opened automatically when they are requested the first time. Changes concerning multiple connection control: - injection of the Connection object into the Doctrine_Table constructor, instead of a static lookup. - added optional Connection parameter to save/delete of Doctrine_Record and Doctrine_Collection