- 23 Jan, 2010 2 commits
- 22 Jan, 2010 1 commit
beberlei authored
- 20 Jan, 2010 1 commit
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-200 Implemented support for @columnDefinition - even with support to pass the definition to join columns if necessary for relations.
- 16 Jan, 2010 1 commit
beberlei authored
DDC-179 - Fixed issue with persistance of date fields by moving ! operator to the convertToPhpValue method.
- 13 Jan, 2010 1 commit
beberlei authored
DDC-179 - Use ! modifier in Date Format to reset all non-date parts to zero unix timestamp values, i.e. H:i:s => '00:00:00' always
- 06 Jan, 2010 2 commits
guilhermeblanco authored
[2.0][DDC-236] Enhanced unique constraints to support names. Fixed general issues on XML and YAML exporters. Fixed issues on XML, YAML, Doctrine 1.X and Annotation drivers.
guilhermeblanco authored
[2.0][DDC-236] Enhanced unique constraints to support names. Fixed general issues on XML and YAML exporters. Fixed issues on XML, YAML, Doctrine 1.X and Annotation drivers.
- 22 Dec, 2009 1 commit
guilhermeblanco authored
- 21 Dec, 2009 1 commit
guilhermeblanco authored
[2.0] Incorporated CLI refactorings. Added support to namespaces and unlimited depth namespaces. Dropped globalArguments for now, since they interfer in DAG implementation.
- 15 Dec, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
[2.0][DDC-122][DDC-97][DDC-98][DDC-147] Refactored metadata mapping drivers by removing the useless PRELOAD mode. Introduced ClassMetadataFactory#getAllMetadata. Classloader simplifications. Old classloaders deprecated. New Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader is almost the same as the previous IsolatedClassLoader.
- 10 Dec, 2009 2 commits
- 09 Dec, 2009 2 commits
- 08 Dec, 2009 1 commit
beberlei authored
- 07 Dec, 2009 1 commit
romanb authored
- 06 Dec, 2009 8 commits
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-197 - Fix for OCI8 returning CLOBs as OCI-LOB instances, was it that easy? The test suggets that inserting clobs is not even requiring the temporary syntax anymore.. Great!
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-169 - Finished ALTER Table TableDiff refactoring, adding code to handle index and FK changes. Added a general functional test for alter table against all platforms.
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-169 - AbstractPlatform::getAlterTableSql() now accepts only a TableDiff instance as argument across all platforms.
- 05 Dec, 2009 3 commits
- 04 Dec, 2009 4 commits
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-169 - Stripped case handling since its just a load of complex crap and doesn't solve any problem! Idea: just implement case-insensitivity in the comparator.
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-169 - Added possibility to control which case mode schema assets are created with in SchemaManager
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-186 - Fixed DatabaseDriver to work with new Schema abstraction, added functional test-cases for database to yaml convertion.
- 03 Dec, 2009 3 commits
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-169 - Introduced handling of schema / database case-sensitivity differences and to allow compability between different platforms.
romanb authored
guilhermeblanco authored
- 02 Dec, 2009 4 commits
beberlei authored
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-169 - Changed AbstractPlatform and AbstractSchemaManager Constraint API to accept Constraint interface, which is implemented by indexes and foreign keys.
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-169 - Changed AbstractPlatform and AbstractSchemaManager and children to accept Sequences in their create and get sql methods.
beberlei authored
[2.0] DDC-169 - Changed AbstractPlatform and AbstractSchemaManager and children to accept Table, Index and ForeignKey instances for the respective create*() methods.
- 30 Nov, 2009 1 commit
beberlei authored
[2.0] DC-169 - New method AbstractSchemaManager::createSchema() which creates a schema instance with full tables and sequences, additionally listTables() was rewritten to return a full Table instance instead of just the table names.