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AbsFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
ConcatFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
CurrentDateFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
CurrentTimeFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
CurrentTimestampFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
FunctionNode.php [2.0] Updated AST nodes to use public properties instead of setter/getter methods.
LengthFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
LocateFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
LowerFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
ModFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
SizeFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
SqrtFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
SubstringFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
TrimFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment
UpperFunction.php [2.0] More refactorings in Annotations parser and DQL parser. Now they only use constants instead of string processment