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Node --no commit message
Query joesimms: initial draft for tree support. NestedSet support included, placeholders for other popular implementations also included. Read the README.tree file for more information and changelog to core files. Modified core files have also been included in this commit. hope it works and you like it !
Tree couple of more changes
DB.php fixing case in files
EXAMPLE.tree.php doc changes for tree configuration
EXAMPLE2.tree.php joesimms: added support for many roots for one table, added another example illustrating this, see EXAMPLE2.tree.php, also changed toString to __toString in getPath()
Node.php remove call by &reference and add class type hints
README.tree joesimms: initial draft for tree support. NestedSet support included, placeholders for other popular implementations also included. Read the README.tree file for more information and changelog to core files. Modified core files have also been included in this commit. hope it works and you like it !
Record.php joesimms: initial draft for tree support. NestedSet support included, placeholders for other popular implementations also included. Read the README.tree file for more information and changelog to core files. Modified core files have also been included in this commit. hope it works and you like it !
Table.php joesimms: initial draft for tree support. NestedSet support included, placeholders for other popular implementations also included. Read the README.tree file for more information and changelog to core files. Modified core files have also been included in this commit. hope it works and you like it !
Tree.php --no commit message