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Common [2.0][DDC-121] Fixed. Also fixed memcache tests and some small refactorings.
DBAL DDC-118 - Fixed introduced regression and added tests for future
Mocks [2.0][DDC-121] Fixed. Also fixed memcache tests and some small refactorings.
Models [2.0] DDC-115 - Fix for multiple class metadata instances because of classes being addressed with or without prepending namespace separator.
ORM [2.0][DDC-158] Fixed. Collections did not take snapshots after lazy initialization leading to wrong change sets.
AllTests.php [2.0] Cleaning up tests and removing some unused files to remove any confusion
DbalFunctionalTestCase.php [2.0] Fixed connection sharing when Functional DBAL or ORM tests are run standalone.
DbalFunctionalTestSuite.php [2.0] Solved the hassle with dropping/creating the test database through introducing a second test database for temporary connections. Please check the file for reference. The 2 test databases need to be created *once* before the very first time of running the tests. New procedure successfully tested against mysql, postgresql, oracle.
DbalTestCase.php Enabling namespaces. Final restructurings.
DbalTestSuite.php Enabling namespaces. Final restructurings.
DoctrineTestCase.php [2.0] DDC-84 - Add Mysql Platform unittests for incremental changes of the metadata for the schematool update function. Fixed some quirks in the Unit-Test suite alongside, Fixed changes of length in SchemaTool update.
DoctrineTestSuite.php Enabling namespaces. Final restructurings.
OrmFunctionalTestCase.php [2.0] DDC-112 - Enhance debugging capabilities in OrmFunctionalTestCase by logging all SQL queries and enrichting all test failures with them (PHPUnit 3.4 only feature).
OrmFunctionalTestSuite.php Enabling namespaces. Final restructurings.
OrmPerformanceTestCase.php [2.0] Adding insert performance tests.
OrmTestCase.php [2.0] DDC-84 - Add Mysql Platform unittests for incremental changes of the metadata for the schematool update function. Fixed some quirks in the Unit-Test suite alongside, Fixed changes of length in SchemaTool update.
OrmTestSuite.php Enabling namespaces. Final restructurings.
TestInit.php [2.0] Fixed some build issues. Added new build properties. Please install VersionControl_SVN pear package in order to use the test target of the build file.
TestUtil.php [2.0] Fixed DDC-63 and DDC-106. Oracle tests for SchemaManager need further tweeking, marked as skipped for now.