Last commit
Last update
Synchronizer minor phpdoc fixes in the remaining files after pr #746
Visitor refactored class CreateSchemaSqlCollector
AbstractAsset.php minor phpdoc fixes in the remaining files after pr #746
AbstractSchemaManager.php typo fixes
Column.php minor phpdoc fixes in the remaining files after pr #746
ColumnDiff.php preserve quotation of old column name in ColumnDiff
Comparator.php fix CS
Constraint.php fixed typo
DB2SchemaManager.php minor phpdoc fixes in the remaining files after pr #746
DrizzleSchemaManager.php minor phpdoc fixes in the remaining files after pr #746
ForeignKeyConstraint.php fix renaming indexes used by foreign key constraints
Identifier.php preserve quotation of old column name in ColumnDiff
Index.php typo fixes
MySqlSchemaManager.php fix column comment lifecycle
OracleSchemaManager.php Merge pull request #692 from deeky666/DBAL-1009
PostgreSqlSchemaManager.php Merge pull request #849 from deeky666/DBAL-1220
SQLAnywhereSchemaManager.php fix column comment lifecycle
SQLServerSchemaManager.php minor phpdoc fixes in the remaining files after pr #746
Schema.php Documentation & code styling fixes
SchemaConfig.php minor phpdoc fixes in the remaining files after pr #746
SchemaDiff.php Pass table object instead of table table name
SchemaException.php minor phpdoc fixes in the remaining files after pr #746
Sequence.php Add missing @param tag
SqliteSchemaManager.php Merge pull request #819 from hason/sqlite_comment
Table.php Fix return type and mark as deprecated for Table::renameColumn
TableDiff.php Loading commit data...
View.php Loading commit data...