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API Replace DefaultExceptionConverter with driver-specific implementations
AbstractOracleDriver Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x
AbstractSQLServerDriver/Exception Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x
Exception Reuse Mysqli\UnknownType as Exception\UnknownParameterType for other drivers
IBMDB2 Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x
Mysqli Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x
OCI8 Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x
PDO Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x
SQLSrv Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x
AbstractDB2Driver.php Require $platform in AbstractSchemaManager::__construct()
AbstractException.php Remove deprecated exception classes
AbstractMySQLDriver.php Require $platform in AbstractSchemaManager::__construct()
AbstractOracleDriver.php Require $platform in AbstractSchemaManager::__construct()
AbstractPostgreSQLDriver.php Require $platform in AbstractSchemaManager::__construct()
AbstractSQLServerDriver.php Require $platform in AbstractSchemaManager::__construct()
AbstractSQLiteDriver.php Require $platform in AbstractSchemaManager::__construct()
Connection.php Remove irrelevant references to PDO from the documentation
Exception.php Remove DriverException::getErrorCode()
FetchUtils.php Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x
Middleware.php Introduce the driver middleware interface
Result.php Add missing driver exception annotations
ServerInfoAwareConnection.php Add missing driver exception annotations
Statement.php Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x