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colors importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
vimcolor importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
README importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
colorer-html.xsl importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
colorer-one.xsl importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
colorer.scm importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
colorer.xsl importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
id.xsl importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
index.html importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
run-colorer.scm importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
sxml-utils.scm importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
test-one.scm importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
test.scm importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
test.xml importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
testdata.scm importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
testdoc.html importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
testdoc.xml importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
testdoc.xsl importing the programlisting xsl stuff that does the syntax highlighting
Making syntax highlighting work

 ~/p/xsieve/opt/bin/xsieve -xinclude -o testdoc.html testdoc.xsl testdoc.xml

Development in this directory will be cancelled.
Something like $XSIEVE/examples/syntax_highlighting will be used.

colorer.scm:      the main part, uniting trees
run-colorer.scm:  low-level driver to execute a colorizing program
colorer.xsl:      processing of "programlisting"

testdoc.* + test.xml: testing               run "testdoc" conversion

testdata.xml, test.scm: testing
test-one.scm:           testing