Last commit
Last update
Driver #714 - marking test as incomplete when affected by
Events Remove unused imports
Exception #722 - basic coverage for `Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\InvalidArgumentException`
Functional Fixed undefined index notice when attempting to reconnect a MasterSlaveConnection after close has called
Logging Fix DebugStack->stopQuery to prevent unnecessary timings when disabled.
Mocks Clean up unused uses
Platforms Merge pull request #710 from deeky666/DBAL-1029
Portability add tests to avoid regression
Query Enabled placeholders for "in" method in ExpressionBuilder
Schema fix explicitly quoted table identifiers in ALTER TABLE statements
Sharding fix SQL Azure functional tests
Types Reset date fields to UNIX epoch in TimeType.
ConfigurationTest.php make auto-commit mode configurable via the configuration container
ConnectionTest.php #722 - `Doctrine\DBAL\Connection#delete()` should refuse non-empty criteria
DBALExceptionTest.php [DBAL-407] Introduce failing test for duplicate key exception code
DriverManagerTest.php fix backslash prefix
SQLParserUtilsTest.php Fixed expanding positional parameters which do not start from 0
StatementTest.php pass $sql var to statement constructor in StatementTest
UtilTest.php Fix Positional to Named Parameters parser to take literals into account.