- 10 Feb, 2017 2 commits
Marco Pivetta authored
Make functional sqlanywhere driver tests conditional
Steve Müller authored
- 09 Feb, 2017 5 commits
Steve Müller authored
SQLAnywhere corrections for DSN generation and persistent connections
Marco Pivetta authored
Fix result cache and PDO connection test on pdo_sqlsrv
Steve Müller authored
Marco Pivetta authored
Fix closing statement cursor on pdo_sqlsrv if not executed yet
Steve Müller authored
- 08 Feb, 2017 4 commits
Marco Pivetta authored
[DBAL-2637] Fix closing prepared statement cursor with LOB column on Oracle
Marco Pivetta authored
Fix dropping inuse databases on SQL Server and Oracle
Marco Pivetta authored
Fix the reuse of a statement on sqlsrv with explicit bindValue()
Sergei Morozov authored
- 07 Feb, 2017 7 commits
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
Marco Pivetta authored
Tear down active transactions in functional test cases
Marco Pivetta authored
Fix drivers' exec() method to not execute via prepared statements
Marco Pivetta authored
[DBAL-2623] Fix Generic SQL Sharding Support documentation example
- 06 Feb, 2017 8 commits
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
Marco Pivetta authored
HHVM testing needs to be in PHP 7 mode
Marco Pivetta authored
Fix fetching last insert ID for sequences on SQL Server
Marco Pivetta authored
Fix date diff test
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
- 05 Feb, 2017 9 commits
Marco Pivetta authored
Fix CREATE/DROP DATABASE support on SQL Server
Marco Pivetta authored
[DBAL2626] Add PHPUnit config for continuousphp Oracle testing
Marco Pivetta authored
Fix "application_name" test on PostgreSQL < 9.2
Marco Pivetta authored
Run SQL Azure related tests conditionally
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
Steve Müller authored
- 04 Feb, 2017 4 commits
Marco Pivetta authored
[DBAL-2427] Fix negative default value introspection on PostgreSQL 9.4
Marco Pivetta authored
Prepared statements become unusable after calling closeCursor() on IBM DB2, Oracle and MS SQL Server.
Walt Sorensen authored
Walt Sorensen authored
- Suspend HHVM testing until the following items are resolved - HHVM PHP 7 mode issues. - facebook/hhvm#7626 php 7 mode not recognized by composer as PHP 7 - facebook/hhvm#7198 type annotations on internal functions, `expects parameter 1 to be _______, null given` - facebook/hhvm#7544 HHVM INI settings for PHP7 mode `php 7 is not the same as php 7.1` - Trusty Container issues (currently beta) - https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/6842 - MySQL socket issue on Trusty beta Container (assume fixed sometime after 1Q17) - Add line to Force hhvm PHP 7 mode for future testing - HHVM fails on composer `This package requires php ^7.0 but your HHVM version does not satisfy that requirement` - reference for change https://docs.hhvm.com/hhvm/configuration/INI-settings#php-7-settings
- 02 Feb, 2017 1 commit
Sergei Morozov authored
[DBAL-2546] Fixed the failure of `Functional\StatementTest::testReuseStatementWithParameterBoundByReference()` on ibm_db2